Chapter Two: The Voodoo Queen

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Author's Note: I just want to say that the creatures, wands, wandmakers, and wizarding currency mentioned in this chapter are all created by J.K. Rowling and not myself. Most of the stuff in here you can find on Pottermore. I've just expanded on it a little bit in this story. Some of the stories in here about Latino culture is stuff that my mother told me growing up. I wasn't raised with some of the traditions that are mentioned but I've always been fascinated by some of the things she told me about her childhood. Like the story about the Bruja waving a broom over Selena's body last chapter to rid her of her nightmares. That's actually a true story that my mother told me once. My grandmother took her to see a Bruja that did that even though my grandmother was super Catholic... and it really did work apparently. So this story contains a lot of stories my mother told me. I also want to say that some of the Spanish in this story might not be correct since I used google translate. I'm familiar with some phrases but not actual complete sentences since I never learned how to speak Spanish. I think I understand some of it but my mother always told me she was too lazy to teach me. Lol. So please excuse any mistakes.

I also wanted to say that we won't be seeing any Harry Potter characters until next chapter. I like setting up the background of the character before fully going into a storyline from a movie. So next chapter we'll definitely be seeing a lot of Harry Potter characters but I promise this chapter is super interesting. I had a lot of fun writing it.

Please let me know what you think of this chapter.

"It looks like today's going to be another hot summer day as temperatures are likely to reach a high of 102 degrees." The weatherman announced as he grinned at the camera but Selena didn't feel as excited as the man seemed. It wasn't like the weather was unusual for an average summer day in Texas but that didn't mean that Selena enjoyed it either. She was just more comfortable with eighty five degree weather. Selena didn't know how her father and his employees painted houses in this weather. It wasn't so much of the blazing sun as it was the humidity in the air. The humidity was what truly killed Selena during the hot Texas summers she had endured for the entirety of her life.

It was funny that everyone said that summer was the time to go outside and play. Everyone who said that clearly had never been to Texas before because it was much too hot to go outside. Well, that's not completely true. Sofia and her friends had gone down to the water park to cool off but that was out of the question for Selena. Selena didn't even know how to swim. She blamed it on her fear of drowning which was one of the many fears Selena had. Since Selena had such a dislike of pools, she decided to stay inside of the house and cool off in front the air conditioner.

"Selena, you're taking too long with the air conditioner!" Belen complained loudly and Selena groaned, not wanting to move away from the cool air. Standing in the front of the air conditioner was probably going to make her sick but Selena could do with a little fever anyways.

"Ugh, fine." Selena said as she walked away from the air conditioner to go sit on the couch. Belen happily trotted over to the air conditioner as Selena allowed herself to relax. She let herself drift between thoughts as she remembered her birthday nearly two months ago...the day a wizard showed up at her house and the day she found out she was a witch. Her life had relatively gone back to normal although the thought of magic and Hogwarts still loomed over her head. It was impossible to not think about witches and wizards. Her parents still hadn't made a decision on whether or not she could go to Hogwarts. Selena never badgered her parents about their decision since she knew that would probably only decrease her chances of going. No, it was best to let her parents bring it up when they were good and ready. Although she still worried about whether or not they had forgotten. There was only a little over a month left before they would have to respond to the letter.

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