I'm a Sassy Son Of a Nugget

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I am a sassy son of a nugget. I really am. I can't help it. I LOVE BEING SASSY!!

I love showing my true emotions; I love folding my arms over my chest and swaying my hips and telling everybody that I am confident. At least, I want to be confident. I want to be confident every day. In everything that I do. To be honest, sometimes I do get really insecure. But then I remember I am a sass a frass and I get back up again.

And that's why I love being sassy. It makes me have confidence!

The reason this whole sassy thing ties into my day is that I was extremely sassy today. I woke up this morning feeling terrible. The pit of my stomach hurt like heck, and I couldn't stop thinking about this presentation I had to do during sixth-period class today.

So, I did all of my freaking breathing treatments (cuz that's just what I do in the morning), and then I walked to school. I walked into my first-period band class, and I then I walked- well, more like bounced- into the room with confidence. But then I realized that the xylophone is way different than playing with all your fingers on the piano, and I screwed the frick up. Then, I got annoyed and bored and sassy. Then, I sort of freaking cried because I'm a drama queen like that.

That was my day yesterday, though. Today band class was amazing! I found that if I just dance around a lot and have fun with the music I do a much better job. The other kids in my band class are really sweet and nice. They make me laugh, and I love them for that.

Today is going to be a good day. I just know it.

I hope today is a good day for you, too.

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