Chapter 6

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Thank you so so much to everyone whose reading!!! I love all the feedback thank you so much for taking time out of your day to read my work! I'm thinking about putting this on FanFiction.Net because I just downloaded the app so you might see it there.

Yes I know this a really short update but too bad I'm a busy gal and I'm trying so bear with me will ya?

The next day when Harry got up to go to the ministry Ginny told him she was going over to the Burrow. But what he didn't know was that the rest of the family was too...

"Alright lets get started here" Ginny said walking in, prepared to start planning.

The rest of the family, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, Percy (yes you read that right, he's not being a pompous prat), Angelina, Ron, Hermione and even Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were gathered around George, who had a long list of pranks/tortures and a pile of Weasley Wizard Wheezes products.

Ginny joined the huddle and together they started to plan...

"Transfigure him into a walrus" Hermione suggested, looking extremely menacing.

"Lock then in a cupboard" added Ron.

"Yeah let's see how they liked it" Mrs. Weasley said with a hateful glare, a rare one, that made her seem like a mama bear whose cub had been hurt.

"Give them U No Poo!"

"Give Dudley a pigs tail!"

"Make them be Harry's slaves"

"Flood the place with owls"

"Lets all storm the place looking as weird as possible!"

"Turn all the food to dog crap"

"Explode the house!"

"Ronald we can't explode the house that would cause too many questions and possibly blow the stature of secrecy"

"Pleaseeeee just a small explosion Mione?"

"Alright" Hermione conceded.

"Ooo use the Demon Box"

"Flood the house with Pygmy puffs"

"Give all of them a love potion and then show them Umbridge"

"Lots of dung bombs"

"Portable swamp"

"Weather in a bottle!"

"Creepy crawlies all over!"

The Weasleys plotted their revenge for hours, because all though they are good people, they are incredibly vindictive.

What was their plan exactly? Well let's just say, the Dursley's should be praying.

Mess with the Weasleys, you get the pranks.

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