Chapter 7

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Heyyyyyyyyy. Sorry for not updating for a while I literally have no excuse I suck im sorry. I did end up adding this story onto FanFiction.Net under the same username: fangirl4ves so yea I guess that's cool. And this was a longer update over 1000 words do yeah!


The sun was just setting on Number 4 Privet Drive as a group of oddly dressed people approached, the majority being red headed.

The residents of Privet Drive were quite confused and slightly frightened, seeing as they were holding what looked mysteriously like explosives and bags filled with who knows what, and one that was wiggling suspiciously.

Now I hear what your thinking, why did they come in the evening, when it was a nice day and children were outside playing, parents sitting on the porches and chatting as the adults come home from work, and risk blowing the statue of secrecy? Well I'll tell you. They chose this time because there goal was to cause as much embarrassment to the Dursley's as humanly possible, and what better way to do it then have a bunch of people show up on their doorstep in front of all their neighbors, that were very clearly not perfectly normal, thank you very much.

So that was how Mr and Mrs Weasley and all of their children (except Fred of course😭😭😭) along with Fleur Angelina and Hermione came to be knocking on the door of the Dursley residence.

A fat walrus came to answer the door, uh I mean Vernon, and when he saw them stood there, gaping, his peanut-sized brain unable to process the sight before him.

"Petunia," he roared, "the magic folk are here! I thought they weren't gonna bother us anymore!"

A horse-like women came running down the hall, and her hand flew to her mouth as she saw the neighbors gawking. "What do you want?" she said harshly.

"We just want to have a little chat about my boyfriend, Harry Potter, you may now him." Ginny said with false sweetness, her brown eyes glinting maliciously.

Both Dursley's visibly paled as a pig came waddling down the hall. "Whose at the door  Ma?" Dudley asked.

"Nobody Dudders" she said in a high pitched nervous tone.

"You lot better get on out of here!" Vernon said, finally having regained his ability to speak and no longer gaping like a fish.

"Not until we've had our chat" said Hermione, barging in.

Dudley walked in and upon seeing them, gasped. "What do you want" he said shakily.

"We would just like to know why you abused and neglected my best friend for years when you were supposed to be his guardian." Ron growled while he raised his wand.

"Preposterous! We did no such thing" Petunia  screeched.

"You little liar! I'm gonna get you, you son of a b-" Mrs Weasley was cut off by George reaching into his bag and pulling out a dung bomb (one of many) and throwing it smack into Petunias face.

"Ah!" She screeched indignantly as she attempted to wipe it off her face.

"Alright that's it! I demand you leave my house!" Vernon thundered, greatly resembling a tomato and a vein pulsing in his forehead.

"How about, no." Ginny said smiling maliciously. "*magic words to transfigure some one into a walrus that I don't know but we're gonna pretend I do okay okay good*"

Petunia gasped and Dudley clutched his moms arm for dear life, but Bill had already given Dudley a pigs tail and when he noticed he shrieked so loud it could have woken the dead. (We had way to many dead in these books, thanks a lot Jo)

Fleur showed surprising venom and forced a U No Poo down Petunias through and dumped a Pygmy puff down her dress.

It got real crazy real fast and pretty soon there was a portable swamp in the living room, a constipated Petunia was locked in the cupboard with a horse face and a Pygmy puff (poor little guy), Dudley had a pigs tail and had some strange slimy things climbing all over him and half the kitchen was blown up (only on the inside of course, can't be blowing the statue of secrecy now can we?).

But by far the funniest was Vernon's punishment. A large walrus resembling Vernon was now laying in the living room, crushing the Telly, (the cries of "noooooooooo" could be heard from Dudley) while a maniacally laughing George dumped a bottle labeled "Love Potion" into said walruses mouth, being held open by Angelina. Ron was cruelly holding a picture of Dolores Umbitch (not a typo because she's a bitch) in front of his eyes. After a few seconds the walruses eyes light up and he started waddling out of the house to go find his true love, and Hermione cast a spell to transport him to Azkaban where Umbitch was currently being kept (don't ask what spell just go with it) (and I don't think the Umbitch is cannonly in Azkaban but this is fanfic so your in luck canon rules do not apply) Boy were the dementors gonna have fun with that.

Having planted a last few dung bombs and Molly Weasley transfiguring all of the food into dog crap while Arthur marveled at the broken TV- "but Molly look at this!"

"Not now Arthur!"

The vengeful wizards decided that that would have to do, but that was really only because Harry was due to get home from the ministry soon and he knew nothing about this, but in retrospect him might find out given that they sent Vernon to Azkaban. But, oh well.

So the 11 laughing wizards and witches brushed off their cloaks, and apparated out of Number 4 Privet Drive back to the Burrow, where they sat and cleaned up and then laughed evilly for a good long while, discussing what they had done.

Normally, Hermione would be worrying over getting in trouble, but she hated the Dursley's too much to even bother, and Hermione is a rule person so that's a lot.

But when Harry walked into the Burrow for Sunday Dinner and found the entire family cackling evilly, and exhausted because of a problem with a walrus in Azkaban and Dolores Umbitch, let's just say he was a little confused.

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