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I slowly gained conscious of my surroundings and found myself being stared at by my mother and my sister. "Are you okay honey?" My mother called out to me, I faintly replied a "yes" She proceeded to tell me "Gayeon brought you here after she found out you were locked in that place" she said in disgust "I just can't understand who would do this to you?" Not going to lie, but my hopes fell down a little.

"I'm gonna kill whoever done this to you" Gayeon said with anger. "Don't. You'll never get anything out of it" I replied "oh really? More like human blood" She said coldly which made me mother glare at her "You are not touching a mortal soul at all! Not in my watch" Gayeon huffed as she looked away.

After some days of taking off, I decided to go into school today hoping for the best. I walked through the school gates scared out of my life from that experience. Even though the headteacher was informed of this incident he told me that everything will be fine, but will it?

Hyeri ran to me and hugged me tightly "oh I heard what happened, are you okay now?" I nodded while smiling at her. "What did I miss?" Hyeri grabbed a hold of my arm whilst walking towards the school "nothing really, Jimin rarely came into school" I stopped and looked at her "why not?" She smirked "You curious?" I huffed "why should I be?" "Well something happened which made him not come into school" I stopped and turned around to her "What?" "Awww you really are worried" I grew angry and stormed off "Wait!" Hyeri ran to catch up while laughing.

Now what I learned is that since the days I haven't been coming to school, an incident occurred where a girl was pushed to the point of injury to the ground and something happened between her and Jimin and since then he has been suspended for a week. He is expected to come in today "What happened?" I asked and Hyeri replied "no one really knows the whole story but it grew big and spread everywhere and I kept on forgetting to tell you" I have a lot of questions but that's saved for later as the bell rang and class started.

The bell rung indicating the start of break. As Hyeri stretched out her arms and yawned I lowly talked "Do you know what happened between them?" Hyeri eyed me "I told you I don't know what exactly happened and hey, why are you so curious about this?" She eyed me suspiciously "Ugh I don't like him" "I never said you did" Her suspicion grew more as her face plastered on a wide grin. I felt defeated and turned back around and sighed.

The class door opened and caught everyone's attention which made the whole class quiet. In come Jimin. He looked pale, weak and emotionless. Most girls started to dislike him through their judgmental facial expressions I can tell. He quietly sat down at his seat and students did no hesitate to talk about him in front of his face. Hyeri and I kept quiet as we eyed each other worry looks.

It was after school and I had made my way home. I went to my room to put my bag down and from the view of my window, saw in my tree house.. a figure. I grew curious thinking at first that it must've been my sister, but deep down I knew something bad was going to happen.

I slowly walked through my garden that suddenly became a mile to walk to my tree house. I grabbed a shovel and kept silently walking. I started to hear faint footsteps that grew louder inside which grew the fear inside of me. As I got to the footstep of my tree house the footsteps stopped, as if everything became ok again, I felt safer.

Before I could even think further the door flew open and my shovel was thrown so far  I didn't see it anymore. Red crimson glowing eyes in the darkness made me whimper as two pairs of arms grabbed mine and yanked me inside, I toppled over to the ground scraping my knee.

"It's your fault this happened to me, this is all you! If you never met me or never even resisted this would have never happened!" He screamed so loud he was out of breath and I could only flinch at his harsh words.

As he was panting he stared at me with evil indescribable eyes

"Take responsibility" He said before I blacked out.

I don't even know where I am going with this story but I hope it is good or lives up to your standards :)

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