When Will My Life Begin

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"Emma dear, come downstairs so I can brush your hair."

"Coming Mother!"

I had finally been able to grow my hair out passed by waist, and Mother said it needed to be brushed every day. Each day the same as the last, I read a book or two, sweep the floor, wash dishes from nightly dinners, paint away at my gallery on the wall, and brush my hair. A ritual mother has made to do every morning and night, my favorite part was the song.

"Morning Mother!" I squealed with joy.

"Hello dear, ready to have your hair brushed?"

"Yes Mother!"

"Wonderful. Will you sing or should I?"

"May I sing Mother, please!" I turned to her as I sat on her lap and gave her my best doll eyes.

"Sure dear. How can I say no to that face?"


When I was a baby, Mother said she found me crying in the woods, that my real parents had left me to fend for my self. Every night she would sing me this song, that it was the only way I would sleep. I loved the way Mother's voice sounded, like the angels were singing a sweet song and the birds in the trees following along.

"Ready sweetheart?"

"Yes Mother." As she start to brush my long flowing locks, I sang the sweet song and enjoyed the way my hair seemed to glow.

Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates design
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine

At the end of the song, I tuned just in time to see the slight wrinkles of Mother's face melt away, her skin looking as flawless as it did everyday. I always wondered why Mother's skin did that, why always after brushing my hair? Mother told me brushing my hair soothed her and helped her relax. I loved helping Mother relax, especially after her harsh days outside the tower.

"Now Emma, you remember the rules?"

"Never ask to leave the tower, and don't let anyone know I'm here."

"Wonderful my little flower. Don't forget it."

"Yes Mother."

"I'll see you this afternoon okay? I have to make a few stopes to the shops and the harbor."

"Okay Mother."

"I love you dear." She hugs me tightly and kisses my cheek.

"I love you too Mother."

When she let me go, I turned to walked back into my room, Mother didn't want me to know where the hidden door was. What she didn't know is one day a few months back, I found the door by accident while cleaning and snuck down the winding staircase to glimpse at the outside world. The sky was a gorgeous shade of blue, and the field in front of me was greener that the colors Mother bought me when I turned 5. How I longed to step into the field and play, but Mother said never to leave, and I would never wish to betray her. So I turned and carried myself up the stairs as fast as my little feet could take me, never going downstairs again.


By the time the noonday sun was at its peak, I'd finished my chores of the day and read through 3 books. I was so bored with the day, and longed for something to do. Upon looking around the room again, I noticed a strange looking thing sitting on Mother's stand in the corner. Taking a closer look, the thing was oddly shaped like box. The lid was decorated with beautiful swirls of blue mixed with purple. Curiosity getting the better of me, I ran my fingers over the lid and the box popped open. Sitting, on a cushion as soft as the clouds, was a wand. It seemed like the wands fairies had in my stories.

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