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Kyle twiddled a flower in his fingers, it was just a regular old dandelion that had been growing out of someone's yard, but he just didn't know whose.

Recently he'd been receiving "platonic love notes" as the writer had put it. He wasn't sure why they wouldn't just talk to him face to face, or just ask for his number in a note or something so at least they didn't have to make the commute all the way to his house a couple of days a week. He studied the most recent note,

Dear someone who I hope considers me a friend by now,

Looks like dandelions have already started growing, (can you believe it's almost summer, because I can't) I found one in the yard this morning. I hope you like it! Because I do, and flowers tend to make people happy especially when people receive them, so I was hoping it would make you feel happy. Maybe you could write a response again like you did at first? I really liked "talking" with you, when it's just me it isn't the same, y'know? Anyways, I hope your day goes well, you could use the flower as a good luck charm if you want!

Have a good day,

someone who really hopes we're friends

Kyle wasn't exactly sure why they were even writing these letters to him, still, he looked at the dandelion and smiled.

A good luck charm? Sure.

~I really like the idea of platonic love notes for some reason *shrug*  

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