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Brittney fiddled with the end of her dress, only being able to reach the end of the floor-length skirt because she was alone in her bedroom and laying on top of the many, freakishly soft, pillows and stuffed animals sitting on her bed. The decor had, of course, not been her choice. Stuffed animals weren't really her thing. Like everyone, the advisory committee had decorated and furnished her room. Hers was the typical cutesy female decor, she would have at least preferred the smart, efficient female room instead of a room filled with garbage and unnecessary clutter.

But she didn't get to choose, the committee had decided her place at birth. She sighed, getting up from the bed and getting ready for the day.

Later in the day, she met up with her friend, Jonathan, and they decided to hang out for a bit.

Brittney's dress brushed her ankles as she walked behind Jonathan. The two were heading to Jonathan's room to 'get to know each other better', they both knew that the council had paired them at birth and this was just to give them the illusion of choice, but they both genuinely enjoyed each other's company so they didn't argue.

"Just walk beside me, they aren't going to care."

Brittney focused herself on Jonathan, who was now walking a little slower so she could catch up. She sighed and started to roll her eyes before one of the committee's cameras caught her gaze, eye rolling wasn't very lady-like.

"I don't care that they don't care. You know I'm already on strict watch, if I put even my pinky finger out of place they'll lock me in my room with those horri-" The camera caught her eye again. "With the people who are trying to f-" The word was caught in her throat, she quietly coughed to get it out. "Fix me."

She bit her cheek, she did need to be fixed.

She'd only tried to wear some of Jonathan's clothes once, and the committee had found her before she could finish getting dressed, but even the fact that she had wanted to, that she had so desperately wanted to wear Jonathan's clothes, it was wrong. She was broken, she knew that. She knew that she would tear apart the amazing community the committee had built because she couldn't fit in the box that committee had created for her, but she still wanted to live within the community. She wanted to be herself, but everyone around her told her she was just crazy, she was who they told her she was, she didn't know herself at all. Only the committee knew what everyone was, she didn't know herself, neither did Jonathan, even her "best friend" Amanda didn't know her at all. They could only truly, with complete certainty, know what the committee told them.

"-itt?" Brittney tore herself from her thoughts, noticing that Jonathan was a lot closer than before. "Britt, did you get lost in your head again?"

Brittney cleared her throat. "I'm fine. We should hurry up, or we won't get to hang out before I have to head to work."

~This is a cool universe, right? So basically, Brittney lives in a world where the advisory committee runs everything, from the government down to the fast food industry. They specifically tailor everyone's lives when they're born, so the community will run in the most efficient way possible. And that's really it, though I really like Brittney. To future me, yes, he is transgender because, well he is. His real name would probably be something like Neil or Taylor, something sciency sounding because he's really into coding, which if I decide to write a whole story out of this (which is very possible) might have a big part in the plot. Something like the committee is actually a supercomputer, maybe?  

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