Chapter 6: 2 Motherly Figures and Forgotten Gifts?! QAQ

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Germany won the game ASDFGHJKL-I'm not actually watching it, just saw it but even though I'm not watching it-ASDFGHJKL

The 2 mothers thingie..I don't know about that, since I'm the motherly figure, they say... .-.)


While you and the others were talking, Prussia followed the three to the kitchen. The German noticed but shook it off since he doesn't really care.

"Hey, Vest." Germany turn his head to his big brother, who was smirking, while France and Italy do the cooking for a while.

"Vhat are jou smirking at?" The German asked, annoyed even curious why his brother was grinning like mad. Prussia walked up to him and whispered, "Did you get it? Was it too expensive? Is it awesome? But not as awesome as me??"

Germany sighs while blushing faintly and shooed the Prussian away. "Hey! Come on! You got it? You got it? Did you get the awesome-" he cuts off his annoying brother and glared at him.

"I am going to do 'it' tomorrow." (That sounded perverted....._.")The Prussian laughs as he thinks of it in a perverted way. Germany was confused at first but started to blush profusely as he knew what his brother was thinking.

"NOT 'THAT'!!!" You giggle as you hear the two arguing again, but Germany won the argument. You were curious about what they were talking about but you decided to ask him after dinner.

"Everyone-a Dinner's-a ready!" Italy called from the dining room. All of you got up and saw delicious foods on the table. Mostly, France's and Germany's cooking but there was a lot of pasta too which you confidently guessed it was Italy's.

But you wondered where he got the tomatoes from. "Hey, Feli~" you called and watched him as he skipped to you. "Yes~?"

"Where did you get the tomatoes?" You ask and he giggles. "Big Brother Spain~!" You nod laughing a little. "Right."

You sat down and the others went to the living room since there was no any seats left.

"Sho...Ivanya, whayr do yo live?" You laugh as Prussia speaks with his mouth full, which earned him a tight scolding from the British.

You look at Ivannah, who was kind of thinking something, you answered for her, "She's from Philippi-" you were cut off by a squeal.

"Really?!" Then suddenly, you saw Philippines holding Ivannah's hands, who snapped out of her thoughts. "Yup, I'm a Filipino and proud!" Philippines then asked, more like commanded,

"Mag salita ka ng Tagalog." (1) Ivannah shrugs and started after sighing. "Anong gusto mong sabihin ko? Ah! Eto, meron akong gustong sabihin! MAHAL NA MAHAL KO KAYO! Done." (2)

Philippines has sparkle in her eyes, while the words left all of you confused. "Um, what?" You ask and she smiles. "I said, I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!" You smile and gave her a thumbs up.

"Then what did you say before that?" You turned to look at Spain, who asked the question, so far, he and Philippines and maybe the Italian brothers, understand.

She sighs and pointed at a random direction, she actually pointed at Seychelles. She tilts her head, confused. "What is it??" You guessed that Ivannah mentally face palmed.

"She said,-" she points at Philippines. "-that I should speak Tagalog. And I said, 'What do you want me to say? Ah! Here, I have something to say! And blah blah blah. You already know~"

All of them nods and started eating the delicious food that the Germany, France, and Italy made.

She stands up and walk around for a bit until you were finished. You stand up and look around, finding your German lover. You sigh as he wasn't found. You collected the dishes and started washing it.

You felt a pair of arms around your waist, but you don't even flinch. You turn your head and was caught in a kiss. You smile in the kiss and felt him do so too.

"Vere jou looking for mir?" You giggle and rest your head on his shoulder. "Yup and what-" you were cut off by a many noisy laughs, you heard Ivannah's too. You sigh.

"Better look at what they're going crazy about." You say and washed your hands clean. A hand stopped you, "But jou are going to continue jour question?" He asks and you nod, smiling and it got bigger as he blushes a little.

You poke your head and saw them around the computer with Ivannah in the center. You looked at the clock and saw it was almost 9:00.

You knew they were going to stay up late. You spend the night with them a little more and looked at the clock. You saw it was almost 10!

"Hey guys! It's time for bed!" You shouted and all of them gave a groan towards you. "Come on! We're grown ups!" Denmark says back and everybody agrees except Ivannah.

Ivannah yawned and walked to the stairs and gave a hard glare at all of them. "Upstairs. Wash. Sleep. NOW." They didn't listen and you saw in the corner of your eyes, Ivannah holding a whistle.

You put your hands on your ears and gave her the signal. She blew it. ((XDDD))

Everybody quickly put their hands on their ears and looked at Ivannah. "I said, Upstairs! Wash! Or shower whatever! And then go to sleep! You are grown ups but you need to have some sleep too! And I am SLEEPY. So flip you biatches!"

You laugh as she calls them 'biatches'. You smiled at her but she was gone, you sweatdrop when you heard an addition from her, "No offense!"

You turn to all of the countries, who were standing up already. "So...biatches. Go upstairs." You laugh as you use the word. They sigh and went upstairs.

Germany walked up to you with a short chuckle coming from his mouth. "Wow, two mothers. Or maybe one only." He nuzzles his nose on your neck and you giggle, turning to face him.

"Ve should get upstairs or else zhe kid vill be mad." You laugh and nods and squeals a little as he carries you all the way upstairs.

You two wen to your room and ((made out...wait is it make-out? XDDD)) you two were interrupted by a knock and scrambled to get yourselves be representable. Japan walked in with a polite smile.

"_____-chan? You wirr open our gifts, yes?" You scratch the back of your head. "Um, I don't know when. And it's so many!" He chuckles and nods. "Then open it tomorrow?" You nod with a smile.

"Of course, Kiku." He walks out and Germany smirked. "Where were we?" You squeal as he push you on the bed and give your neck butterfly kisses. "Hey, hey, hey. We don't want to hear anything tonight!" You two blush and Germany chuckles a little.

"Of course ve von't." They walked away and you two lie down next to each other, just cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other's ear.


Sorry it was short guys.

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