GA 13: Word Spacing

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Wide spacing: a writing sample with wide spacing between words shows that the writer is independent, cautious and a reserved person, he may also be experiencing at the time he wrote the sample.

The unconscious mind of the writer in this cases uses words to represent his relationship with other people. If the words are far from each other then the person might be feeling that he is far from people at the time of writing.

Narrow spacing: the writer who uses close spacing needs constant contact with people and that could make him sociable and warm. This writer may also have a feelings of insecurity.

This writer might be in need of reassurance or might find it hard to live alone.

Normal spacing: as usual whenever there is a balance in the element under examination then we can say that the person has got a balanced attitude towards the traits related to the element.

If the writer didn't leave large spaces between words and if he didn't leave small ones then this means that he is balanced when it comes to social connections.

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