Chapter 2 ~ My addiction

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I haven't left my room all week, my mum hasn't even asked why. I don't even think she cares.

Anyways I knew I couldn't leave my room since I've found my new life source, my new reason for living.

if it wasn't for mlp FIM I would be a lifeless body hanging from a rope.

I love the show but i am completely terrified by it. I mean I'm the only one whose over 10 that likes this show and  also imagine what the girls at school would do to me if they found out I loved a kid show. they would bash the life out of me.

Then I remembered, the guy who showed me the show.. he must of been at least over 10, he was definitely mature.

I hoped onto my laptop and logged into yahoo, and I found the name to the guy that responded to myquestion, it was callenfilly

filly.. little pony

oh no he must be young if he's calling himself 'filly' but I decided to message him anyway.

ElishNeedsHelp~ hey, I just want to thank you so much for showing me MLP I have never been this happy in all of my life.

I decided to watch another episode as I waited, I was already up to season 3

as the credits ended and so did the classic tune. I got out of my little pony and went back to my yahoo account and saw that he had responded back.

callenfilly~ that's so good to hear, it helped me when I was going through a rough patch too.

I smiled and quickly responded with

ElishNeedsHelp~ whats with this show that makes it so powerful, I mean it changed my whole perspective of life. how can a KIDS show do that?

Callenfilly~ I think because its just such a special world and I think that when you see such a amazing place you want it to be reality and your mind changes your entire perspective because you think it is in fact reality.

ElishNeedsHelp~ wow, you have a very open mind...

I shrugged my shoulders and popped the question

I have to ask.. how old are you?

I was nervous for him to answer

Callenfilly~ gee thanks , I'm 14 how about you?

I stopped and cleared my throat, I can't believe it I'm not alone for once. he is exactly my age!

ElishNeedsHelp~ its alright, I'm 14 as well :)

I giggled when I typed the smiley face, it seemed like something I wouldn't do in a million years. what's happening to me?

I suddenly heard someone calling my name from down stairs,  I sat up and listened just to make sure I wasn't hearing things...

but I heard it one more time and rushed outside my room.

I sprinted down the stairs and shouted 'mum?'

'oh, there you are.. where have you been?' she grunted at me

'upstairs in my room' I said smartly

she glared at me

'what?' I asked dumbly

'I haven't seen you in 3.. 4 days' she slurred 'I thought you were dead!'

'like you'd care if I was' I mumbled

'what was that?' she yelled

'nothing' I shot my hands up defensively

she sighed and walked to the fridge and got out some what looked like potatoes, but it seemed to be green and rotting.

'I'm making dinner, shouldn't take long' she smiled at me... with the teeth she had left.

'ok, I'll be upstair' I tried to make a exit but she clicked at me like she used to do when I was a kid.

' now hold on..' she said with her face turned

I groaned

'dinner won't be long you can wait on the table' she pointed to the small two seated table

I rolled my eyes and sat on one of the chairs.. hearing a crack coming from underneath me.

'honestly mum I don't think I ... need food' I sad looking down

'don't be silly!' she snapped at me

I turned my head and looked out the window and saw Ashley, Taylor and Avery (the bullies from before)

I scrunched my face

even seeing them makes me hurt, I decided to enjoy this and imagined Discord swooping down and taking them away like a eagle.

I giggled and mum placed a plate full of mashed green and yellow potatoes.

'what are you laughing at?' she asked

'oh nothing' I said stabbing my potatoes.

I looked back out the window and saw they were gone.

I grinned

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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