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Your POV

We roamed the sewer like walk ways in the well house. Mike held my hand tightly as we walked around looking for Stanley. I started to feel dizzy and I lost my balance a bit. Mike noticed this and helped my gain my balance.

"Are you ok?" Mike asked quietly. I simply nodded my head and walked forward. We heard some screaming coming from up ahead.

The group ran towards it, I dizzily made up the rear. We turned the corner to see Stanley's face being devoured by a weird looking figure. The boys screamed and the figure faded into the shadows. Suddenly pennywise's face reappeared causing another scream from the boys. It faded back into the shadows.

The boys bent down to Stan's side trying to comfort him. All I heard was his yelling and crying before my vision blurred and I lost full control over my body. I fell to the ground but made no noise doing so. My vision faded to black after a few moments.

My head throbbed

My heart raced

My hands shook

My eyes fluttered open. I slowly sat up, struggling to do so. I looked around the room I was in. The room was dark I couldn't see much. All I heard was the dripping of water and my own heavy breathing.

Then footsteps

"Little sparrow, lost its wings, its only freedom and now all it is... is a dumb bird." I heard an all to familiar voice say from the darkness.

I slowly tried to stand up. My legs shook and wobbled.

"Poor little bird wants to fly, to bad that all it takes is a tough goodbye." I finally stood up and took a deep breath. I waited for the voice to reappear.

"The cage is where it's stays, spending its short days on little that won't matter. For when the thing that it loves dies, it'll go as mad as a hatter." I furrowed my eyebrows at the statement. Was it some sort of poem?

"But if it leaves the cage, says its goodbyes or leaves without a word, the little sparrow could fly, leave and finally be heard." The poem ended with a slight chuckle.

I heard a crash and a few screams. The screams got louder. My ears began to ring. I put my hands over my ears and fell to my knees. I felt like my eardrums were going to burst.

Then silence

My ears were still ringing. My breath was heavy and staggered. I opened my eyes to see Mike kneeling down beside me. He took my hands away from my ears. I felt tears roll down my face. I looked into Mike's eyes, they weren't his. These eyes were yellow and looking at them felt like daggers to my chest.

I pushed myself away from "mike", he smiled and started to change form. His skin flaked off to reveal pale painted skin. His outfit changed as he grew taller and his smiled widened to reveal sharp teeth. I closed my eyes, holding my knees to my chest.

I opened my eyes to Pennywise in all of its "glory". It lurched towards me. I stumbled backwards. It backed me into a wall. Its face was a few inches away from mine. I shut my eyes and held my breath.

"W-what do you w-want?" I stuttered quietly. I heard a slight laugh.

"There's a whole world out there waiting to find a gem like you." It said in Mike's voice. My heart shattered. Where was he? How did I get here? Where was Richie and Mike and the rest of the club.

Tough Guy ~ Mike Hanlon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now