Operation Sunshine

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(Taeyhung's POV)


"What?! but I'm having a midlife crisis here Hobi!",I screeched."So?...not my problem",(A/N: Oooooh salty hobi :v)Hobi hissed on the line,"Tae Tae you know I need my full on 8 hours of beauty sleep or else I'm not gonna function properly just tell me tomorrow!"And with that the all mighty sunshine hangs up on me.Maybe some sleep would be beneficial for me.........

(Y/N's POV)

I woke up really early today. Why? Because, I felt like being productive today (A/N: lies!).I rushed downstairs and ate (f/f) and decided to take a jog.As I jogged I stared at my phone:

[15 missed phone calls]
[99+ missed messages]
Taeyhung: Hey sorry if I was bit off yesterday...I wasn't in a good mood.
Taeyhung: Sorry
Taeyhung: Sorry
Taeyhung: Sorry
Taeyhung: I guess you're asleep by now...isn't that how humans work? (A/N: obviously Taeyhung *sarcasm*)
Taeyhung: Ok goodnight 😘💤

Wow.I scroll down some more then thought of what to do. Should I text back? Will he call me again? My thoughts are immediately stopped as I see Taeyhung across the street talking with a red haired man with sunglasses.What is he doing?Maybe a friend? Ugh Y/N why should you be concerned he could be in a relationship with that man for all I know!!

I couldn't take it. Curiosity was hitting me hard. So hiding behind a conveniently shaped lamp in a coffee shop they stood outside at (A/N: Getting the reference *wink wonk*) I try and hear their conversation:

???:So why did you bring me out here?
Taeyhung: I wanted to talk about Chim Chim
???: What about him?
Taeyhung: He ran into my fiancé yesterday and offered her to take her out to a restaurant.. since my wife is so naive she agreed but before anything could happen after that luckily I came there to rescue her.
???: Soooooo.... again what do I have to do with this?
Taeyhung: Oh don't worry.. all we need to do is get Chim Chim away from Y/N then everything will be fine :D
???: Ok I guess it would be easy to do...what do I get in return? >:D
Taeyhung: Well Hobi I can....um... do favors for you for three months???
Hobi: DEAL!

Kim Taeyhung I swear to god what are you doing?!!As sneaky as I can be I dash out of the coffee shop to my house. I sat on the couch folding my hands together.

Well Kim Taeyhung since I won't let you harm an innocent person with your tricks..I guess I'll have to have my own plan against you...>:D

(Author's Note:)
I'll try and make it up to you guys I promise

477 words

𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 [Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now