C H A P T E R #5

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"B-but I don't wanna go"

"I know you don't but you need to, this place'll keep you safe"

"You keep me safe Gus. Not some special centre. You"

"Maya, I thought I could keep you safe but I can't protect you from heroine. These people though? They can, they can help you"

"You have issues too so come with me! Please Gussie...I don't wanna do this alone"

"You won't be alone; I'll visit you everyday"

We all stood in the entrance of the place that would be my home for hopefully only the next year or so, me, my parents, Gus, Emma, Liza, Dana, Sam (grizzly), ezonz etc. Everyone was here to say their goodbyes like i was dead; I felt like I was.

Ever since that party last year, I couldn't keep away from heroine no matter how hard I tried. I loved it too much. At first I kept it a secret but of course Gus found out and got so mad despite being so reliant on Xanax; but that's him for you, cares more about others than himself.

And now I was here.

"Please don't make me go"

As I started to cry, so did he; I know that all this is hard on everyone but we all knew it hurt Gus the most. Ever since he found out about my addiction he barely ever left my side, I guess me OD-ing again scared him too much.

"You know you have to, this ain't anyone's first choice but it's the only thing left to do"

I looked down at my feet but felt his hand gently lift my head up so we were face to face.

"I'm going to miss you"

"I'm going to miss you too"

I figured the staff got fed up of our soppy bullshit because the next thing I knew I was being pushed into the facility. With my bag in hand I wiped the last of my tears away when I heard Gus call me back.

"Hey!........I love you"

I smiled and mouthed it back as the door slammed and cut me off from the outside world.

This is my world now.

~end of flashback~


I played with the black phone in my hand; Liza had kindly brought me a new one since my old one had mysteriously gotten broken in the rehab centre (thanks Mary). Instead of logging into all my old accounts which were filled to the brim with sad and slightly disturbing memories, I created a new ones in hopes of it giving me extra inspiration to start completely fresh.

I missed the past.

I took a quick picture and posted it knowing I would have to start somewhere; that somewhere was here and now. As much as I hated it, I had to except that all of my friends had moved on from me and that I had to as well......eventually. This was me trying to do that.



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Maya.fling - I don't give a fuck😘
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I'm already fucking failing.

"Maya? I need to head out quickly but we also need groceries, could you get some for me? I've left you a list on the table!"

"I'll be right there!"

Normally I don't like going grocery shopping, in fact I hate it with a fucking passion, but today felt different; I probably needed the fresh air. Grabbing my jacket, phone, keys and shoes I ran downstairs and took the short walk to the near by wallmart with a smile on my face. Huh, I guess fresh air does help after all.

Who knew?


With two shopping bags in hand I just rounded the corner of the street when I noticed Liza's car was already in the driveway; her errand must've been a small one. Using my keys to open the front door (dropping them twice in the process), I was completely oblivious to the strange bags by the shoe rack.

"I'm back! They were out of the eggs you wanted so I didn't get any i hope that's o-"

The second I saw him I felt the bags slip out of my hands and I heard the contents spill out onto the floor...that was the least of my concerns though. There he was only at the other end of the room after all these years; four to be exact. Four fucking years. Dressed in black skinny jeans and some sort of fucked up check shirt he stood looking at me, probably with the same expression I had; what can I say? He'd changed a fuck tone since I last saw him, since he left me.



I looked past the several new tattoos (several of which were on his face), pink and black dyed hair and even the sly grin of which seemed the only familiar thing about him and saw the same person who broke so many promises. I didn't mean to, but I felt myself get so angry that the only thing I could do which wasn't violent was walk away to my room.

My room? His room I mean....fuck I went to his room.

It wasn't long before I heard the same knock that we alway used to use whenever we went round each other's house and the click of the door opening. I could've looked up or acknowledged his presence but I continued to stare at the ceiling in silence; a silence that was soon broken by the one and only.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Really Gus? That's the first thing you say to me after four years?"

"I'll take that as a yes then"

I felt him flop down beside me (which didn't really work seeing as it was a single bed) and the lingering of his eyes on me another part of him that hadn't changed. His eyes.

"You haven't changed at all"

"You have"

"You've missed a lot"

"That's what happens when you get put in rehab"

We fell into an awkward silence and I realised that this invisible wall that had developed between us was probably the most noticeable new thing. I fucking hated it.

"Are you mad?"

"No - well, yes - but - what'd you want from me Gus? -"

I sat up and looked at him dead in the eyes for the first time, a lot HAD changed and not all of it was appearance based.

"- Do you want me to say that I forgive you for locking me up and taking off without a word? Without a letter? phone call? Not even a visit? Not to mention breaking so many promises that I can't even remember some of them because a part of me is still angry"

"How does the other part of you feel?"

"The other part of me, the majority of me, is relieved that you didn't forget about me after all"

I felt him slowly pull me down into his arms as I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat like it was music.

"I could never forget about you"

"It would've been nice hearing you say that four years ago"

".......I've missed you Maya"

"I've missed you too Gus"

And so they've finally been reunited with each other, feels good eh? I promise y'all that the story will (hopefully) pick up from here seeing as it's started quite slow.

Enjoy peepers💖

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