Tony Stark

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Your POV

"Phil! Phil!" you yell getting annoyed that you couldn't find him. You had question to ask him. About what you were chosen for the Avengers Initiative and why you were chosen to join it.

Lost in your thought and not paying attention you run into a rock solid figure taller than you but not specifically tall.

"Sorry" you say apologetically.
"It's fine" says a voice you can only place to the one and only Tony Stark.
"Do you know where Phil is at?" You question him.
"Um no....but could you help me with something?"
"Sure what do you need?"
"Well I have a meeting and I don't have Pepper around at the moment to help me look... Not like I just crawled out of a hole filled with grease."
"Yes" you say simply trying to hide your excitement.

You follow him into his room to pick out his cloths which consisted of a suit with a red tie.
After he he got dressed he simply pushed you up against a wall. His hands pinning your arms above your head speechless you say nothing.
He looks you in the eyes then down at your lips licking his own in the process.

At this point you are centimeters apart. He finally closes the space. You still shocked take a minute to kiss back but once you do it's bliss. Your lips move in sync.

"Thank You" he says after pulling away. Then he winks and walks out the door leavening you shocked.


Sorry it is like two days late but I had to go on a Harley ride with my Dad Saturday and Sunday was Father's Day. But I hope you like it please request I do anything and anyone.

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