chapter one

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this book was inspired by a demon!harry and angel!oc smut i read lmao so ye credit to that person who wrote that bomb ass smut on tumblr. also credit to -coldblooded for helping me out, ily bb

the atmosphere was cold and felt dirty. judith hated it. everyone was so loud and the music blaring didn't help her sensitive ears.

her eyes rolled as someone bumped into her for the 100th time tonight, her hand going into her backpack to pull out a little tube of strawberry scented hand sanitizer to remove the germs on her arms.

you could never be too safe.

after a few boring, yet painfully loud minutes passed by, her posture perked up when she saw a man. his arm wrapped around a shaking girl as he subtly tapped a substance into her drink.

her eyebrows were strung together as she shimmied her legs angrily and hopped off of her high stool.

she recalled a book she had read earlier tonight on how to help women in distress at bars or clubs and the helpful tips were now resurfacing in her mind.

"claire! hi, its so nice to see you again, how are you?" judith greeted, wincing as she saw the woman take a sip of her drink.

the woman looked grateful to see the short girl but the man behind the two coughed irritatedly.

"uh i was actually about to take her home with me so if you don't mind-"

"actually sir i do mind. she's my best friend and we have some catching up to do so go ahead and get lost." judith responded roughly as she shooed off the man.

the man stormed off annoyedly, leaving the club upset due to him not being able to take advantage of a woman.

"thank you so much, he made me extremely uncomfortable and i didn't know what the hell to do and the bartender didn't do shit-"

"hey hey you don't have to thank me! it was basic common decency to help someone in need. by the way, please drink some water, he put something in your drink. now, i don't think you drank enough to suffer any effects but heres some water to just be safe." judith said kindly as she brought her backpack to her chest before extracting a bottle of water.

the woman smiled and took the bottle.

"thanks. for everything, you're an angel." she complimented, (quite accurately judith would add)

judith giggled and grinned from ear to ear. "ah well," she trailed off.

"also, do you really carry uh," she asked as she looked at judith's backpack,"donut printed backpacks to clubs?"

judith pursed her lips.

"its cute and its useful, why would i not?"

"valid answer. oh by the way, my name is actually claire, so you were spot on."

judith brightly smiled and bit her lip. "well isn't that the bees knees?"

claire laughed and shook her head. "bees knees? you're really something else."

"thanks." she replied happily.

"come on," judith said as she linked her arm with claire's, "let me hail you a cab, its been a long night."

after judith called and paid for a cab in advance, claire was on her way home safe and judith felt her heart jump with happiness.

helped another person

she thought to herself as she made her way back into the club to possibly help someone else.

judith situated herself back on her stool, and put her chin in her hands as she scanned the scene.

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