4~ Meetings

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Nico wouldn't stop grumbling as he and Will made their way up to the big house.
Will missed most of it but the few words he caught went along the lines of 'Injustice', 'stupid', and 'unbelievable.'
*it's unbelievable he's still mad about this.* Will thought to himself, exasperated and, though he tried to hide it, slightly impressed.
Chiron was waiting on the steps, his equine behind shuffling back and forth.
"Are you ready?" he asked them, looking pointedly at Nico.
Nico muttered something under his breath and nodded sharply.
Chiron looked at Will, eyebrows raised.
Will shrugged, helplessly.
"Follow me, then." Chiron said, looking between them both before turning and trotting away.
They followed, scrambling to keep up, avoiding looking at each other.
They soon found themselves in a room, completely void of furniture. The walls were a blank, boring grey and the room smelled of burnt sugar.
The back wall was slightly different from the rest, seemingly reflective, where the others were dull.
Chiron stopped and turned to face them, gesturing to the wall behind him.
"This is a portal." he said, eyeing it somewhat mistrustfully. "It will take you to where you need to go. This one is wired to take you to Magnus's loft and back. All you need to do is step through."
Nico took a step back and looked at Will. Will saw his own queries printed on his face.
"Is it safe?" he asked.
"Well, Magnus was one of the two that invented it, and he swears by it, so I believe we must trust him on this one." Chiron said, tilting his head slightly to the side.
"OK, then." Will looked at Nico, who glared back at him, and sighed.
"Let's go."
He walked forward, slow and determined. He could hear Nico's boots hit the hardwood floor as he followed close behind.
He hesitated before walking through the portal, shuddering at the feeling. It was weird, cold, like silk parting over his body. It was over in a second.
Will found himself in a bright room, somehow modern and old fashioned at the same time. He turned his head as Nico burst through beside him, looking panicked. Will though he heard him say "never again."
A man stood in front of them both. He had dark hair, standing up in spikes, covered in multicoloured glitter, and gold-green cats eyes that were framed with a smudge of black. He wore tight black leather pants and a glittering blue silk shirt with a short, gold lined suit jacket.  He was smiling.
Another man sat on a couch behind him. He looked relatively normal compared to the eccentric man before them. He had blue eyes and messy black hair. He wore full black clothes, jeans and a worn out sweater. The only different thing about him was the tattoos, the most visible one a Z shape on his neck.
The glittery man snapped his fingers and the portal behind them closed.
Nico looked behind him before looking back at the man, distrust plain on his face.
The man saw the look as laughed. "Don't worry. I'll open it up again when you both want to leave."
Will and Nico stared at him, still a bit overwhelmed. The main thought going through both of their heads; Is he wearing makeup?
The man on the couch laughed softly as he took on their expressions. They both looked at him in sync, confused.
"Hi." The man said, his voice loud in the otherwise silent room.
"Hi..." Will replied, slowly. Nico stayed silent.
"I'm Alec." tattoo man, now Alec, said, before looking up at the glittery man.
"Will." Will followed Alec's gaze. The man looked at Alec and Will before looking back at Nico.
"I'm guessing you're Nico." his voice was soft, velvety.
Nico looked at him, startled, his eyes narrowed. He nodded.
"Relax," The man said. "Will mentioned your name on the phone."
Nico looked at Will and back, still not trusting the man.
The man laughed.
"Not only that," he continued. "I've heard of you before. After all, the underworld is only one hell dimension."



Sorry for not uploading sooner! I would say some amazing reason for not posting but... I don't really have one. Hopefully I'll be able to post more in the next 3 weeks because I have some time off.

Anyway thank you so much for reading! I think this chapter was a tad bit longer which is good? I don't know.

Also, can I please have Magnus' clothes. Like, seriously.

My child's have met and I'm happy.

Lotsa love

When World's Collide - Malec/SolangeloWhere stories live. Discover now