Prologue: Eighteen Years Ago

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The night sky shimmered dark blue with silver and gold stars, but an certain and tropical island off of Rome known as Portugal was laying peacefully in the night.
The palm trees swayed gently through the sea breeze, gentle sea waves washed ashore. All the villagers were fast asleep peacefully with no troubled dreams in their minds.
But in the distance was a huge village in the middle of the jungle and at the top of a mountain was a beautiful shimmering silver-gray castle.
Castle of the Moors was standing calmly on the mountain, stood over the village. Only a few horses neighed softly as they stood in their outside stalls and guards marched back and forth in and out of the castle.
But in Queen Belmira's tower, the Queen was wearing a white and silky nightgown and was crying out in pain and nurses were going back and forth, willing to help crying Queen. The bravest of the nurses were trying to bring out the new born baby.
Outside in the royal gardens was a blonde-haired man known as King Cosme, sitting on the a long stool was his closet advisor known as Master Cadu. (I'm not sure what a ancient bench is called).
"Calm down, my King." said the advisor as he watched King Cosme paced again.
"How can I?" said King Cosme fiercely. "The love of my life is in pain and I can't do anything about it but listen to her pain."
"My dearest King, your father had also went pacing back and forth when you and your sister were born." said Cadu.
In the moonlight, King Cosme could see Cadu's wrinkles on his skin from his age. But there was that humorous and  understanding sparkle in his dark brown eyes. Cadu was his father's closest advisor and now he was King Cosme's closest  advisor; he is wise, watchful, funny, and understanding.
But then one of the doctors came from a door to the left, the doctor's forehead was covered in sweat but his eyes were bright and he wore a smile on his face.
"Congratulations King Cosme, you have a daughter." said the doctor.
"Can I see them?" asked King Cosme desperately.
Once he quickly and quietly opened the door to his wife's room, he saw that Queen Belmira was fast asleep, her face was still a little wet from the wet rags that was put on her, but other than that she seemed peaceful.
A few inches away from the fireplace stood a willow-made baby cradle with someone in it (because the silky and white blanket keeps going up and down).
King Cosme gently kissed Queen Belmira's cheek, before he checked out the cradle. In the cradle layed a sleeping and surprisingly (and slightly) plump baby girl.
The girl has fair skin in shade of gold, narrowed closed eyes, and high cheekbones.
"She's perfect," whispered King Cosme, he turned his head towards the window. "Thank you Jupiter and Juno, I never been so happy to finally have a family returned to me."
While Princess Aurelia was fast asleep in her crib with a small silver and gold unicorn charm on a braided necklace around her neck and once her eyes opened, (her eyes are deep blue like the shimmering sea) King Cosme kinda of reminded him of the Goddess Diana and her deep blue gaze.
When Princess Aurelia's golden-blonde hair grown in, Queen Belmira had a gotten a golden-blue tiara with sapphire and amber jewels and was layed on Aurelia's head.
But it was nighttime when evil centaurs and people shipped on to the beach and started fighting against the Portuguese. Queen Belmira's oldest friend was leading children to the fortress with more than enough soldiers with them, and around the same time King Cosme and Queen Belmira heard the baby crying in fear.
Once they finally got to the baby's room, a dark cloaked figure had taken the baby and was riding on horseback across the courtyard.
"We got what we wanted, now it's time to go!" called out the thief to the other thieves.
"Guards! After them! They had taken Princess Aurelia!" ordered King Cosme.
All the thieves ran towards the ship, and sailed out to sea, letting the shadows swallow them whole.
Leaving the King and Queen of Portugal watch on with heavy hearts.

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