Chapter 1: The Journey.

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I walked towards the barrier with my Mum by my side. Dad and Harry were a little further back. My trolley was even more heavy than usual due to the fact that Holly was sitting in it. I walk casually over to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, taking out my phone as I go. I know it won't work at Hogwarts, but it makes leaning against the barrier less suspicious. I stand there for a second, then I fall through. I turn around and The Hogwarts Express greets my eyes. Holly gasps in the trolley. I move forward so that I don't get hit by the next person coming through. Soon, I'm standing beside my whole family. My parents aren't like the others. They don't hang around until the train leaves. We say our goodbyes and promise to write to them all the time. Mum takes Holly. I'm really going to miss my little sister. She's like my mini-me. I follow my brother to his friends. Because I know where his friends are, mine are. Harry spots his best friend Ron a few metres in front of us. We make our way through the crowd and Mrs Weasley greets us with a warm hello and a motherly hug. I say hello to Ron, Ginny, Percy, Mr Weasley  and Hermione, then I turn to the two most amazing boys in the world. Fred and George Weasley. I know they're my best friends, but my heart skips a beat whenever I see them. George grins at me and gives me a big hug. Fred pushes George out of the way and lifts me in his large, muscly arms in a bear hug. George, obviously upset, tries to re-gain attention.

'I've missed you, blondie.' says George.

'Missed you too, Georgie.'  I reply.

'Enough dilly-dallying! We'll have enough time for this chit-chat on the train.' says Fred in his most Percy-ish way.  Percy scowls.

'Now, listen here, you hooligans-' Percy starts heatedly.

'Quick, Mel, we'd better go or we'll get bored to death!' says Fred with a laugh.

'Quit it, you two! Percy is a good boy. You could take a leaf out of his book!' cries Mrs Weasley.

'Yes Mum.' Fred and George say in unison.

'Guys, lay off him. Or I may have to dock off some points.' I decided to let them know now, rather than later.

'Ha! Dock points?! The only way you could dock points is if you were a prefect!' laughed Fred.

'Well.......' I started nervously.

'No. No! No way! You've turned to the dark side! You''re one of them!' George cried, pointing to Percy, who thrust his chest out importantly as a gaggle of girls walked by. 

'Oh, Merlin, no! Of course not! I'm going to use my newly found powers to confiscate dangerous and deadly items, which will then go to the two boys I trust most in the world to deal with that sort of tomfoolery.' I say with a wink. And after that, Fred and George never once complained about me being a Prefect. 

'Quick, you lot! On the train! You don't want to miss it!' Mr Weasley exclaims. We say our rushed goodbyes and heave our trunks onto the train. Soon enough, we find an empty compartment. I struggle my way in first. Taking the seat by the window, I attempt to lift my trunk up on the portrack. George laughs at my height and lack of muscle as he pushes up his tight sleeves. I can see the muscles rippling through his upper arms as he lifts the heavy trunk above his head and onto the portrack. I shake my head, trying to clear it of all dangerously attractive gingers. Fred plops himself down in the empty seat beside me while George places himself in front of me. 

'So why did you guys hang back a year, again?' I ask them, curious.

'We uh....we uhh-' George begins

'We wanted to try harder in our studies this year.' lied Fred unconvincingly.

'Ohhh, no! You guys didn't stay back just because of me, did you?' I asked worriedly, knowing it's true.

'Maybe.' says George.

'Aww! But what about your Joke Shop? You should've set that up this year!' I worried.

'Oh well, it doesn't matter. We'll just to do it next year. You're the one we gotta look after. Being so fragile-'starts Fred.

'-so sensitive-' continues George. 

'-so naive.' ends Fred. They sit there grinning as I twist my face in mock-hurt.

'I-I-I'm not that I?' Knowing this will earn me my revenge, I pretend to break down in tears. George rushes over to me while Fred puts his arms around me. Behind my hands, I try to hold in a grin.

'That's not what we meant, Mel! Honest!' cries George. Loving the way they cared about me and savouring the way they always rushed to my aid, I was able to squeeze out one single tear as I lifted my hands from my face. Then, something I had never imagined would ever happen, something I had not planned nor thought of, happened. Fred, suddenly and slowly, leaned in kissed me gently on the cheek where my tear had fallen. Time slowed down. Suddenly, all I could see was Fred. All I wanted was to feel those soft lips brush my cheek again. I had a vivid image of me and him walking along a beach, hand and hand, when a drop of water from a crashing wave landed upon my cheek, where he kissed it away. Only one thing could bring me back to the present. George. I looked at him and saw that his face was oozing from every inch with stone cold pain. Words cannot describe the look upon his poor, sunken face. I open my mouth, wanting to say something, anything to make it right, but at that moment he composed himself. He walked slowly toward the door and said stiffly 'I'll leave you two alone now.' and left. 

The train started to slow down, and in silence, I got changed into my robes. How will I ever put this right? 

Soooo......How will this be fixed? Will George make his move? Will he back right off? Will there be a competition between the twins? Will George let Fred have her? WHAT will happen? Next Chapter!

 Hey, guys! Tell me what you think, okay? I expect some answers! :)

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