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Ever since the barbeque, there has been an awkward tension between the two men. Whenever they are in the same room together something always seems off... Carl is slowly learning how to like Owen. Although he misses reciting puns, he and Owen often share amazing moments. Carl would even say that they are friends by now.

He wonders if Owen feels the same. How could he not? Owen has been nice to Carl from the very beginning.

"Thanks for watching today's episode of CNN 10," The duo said together. Carl raised five fingers and Owen raised another five, making a ten. The camera stopped recording and the two turn to face each other.

"I really love this job!" Owen smiles. "We make a great team you know."

Carl smiled and nodded. As the two were looking at each other, Carl began to feel a strange feeling. A very strange feeling from his heart, a feeling he hasn't felt in a very long time. 

Owen stood up and Carl shook the thoughts out of his head. Carl stood up as well. The two men walked to the lounge in the office and sat in there together. Carl scrolled through Instagram as Owen told a story about these kids he found in the woods who didn't believe he was Lightning McQueen.

'I ship Carl Azuz and Owen Wilson so much omg!" Carl read on some random teenagers Instagram post. His heart started beating fast again. Does Carl really like Owen? If he did, how would he ever know if Owen ever felt the same?

Little did Carl know was that Owen was looking over his shoulder, reading the words that made Carl's heart beat fast. Owen smirked.

"Hey Carl," Owen said. "Would you like to come over after work today?"

"S-sure!" Carl smiled.

"Great," Owen smirked again. "I have a lot of fun things planned."

(A/N: It was at this exact moment that I realized what my life has become. Help.)

KACHOW! (Owen Wilson X Carl Azuz)Where stories live. Discover now