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People gather in the streets
to watch a man get sentenced to die.
They stand on the side of the road
to yell at him while believers cry.

Cross on his shoulder, blood on his head.
A crown of thorns for the bloody king.
Leaving crimson footprints
as the voice of blasphemers sing.

Down the road to the exit of the city.
Up the mountain to where they pass.
Where blood is shed from the breakers of law.
A place that is absent of grass.

They put nails in his wrists and stick him on the cross.
And raise him in the air.
The believers fall to their knees and cry.
For the sight is too much to bear.

The one nailed to the armed pillar,
looks up to the sky.
He feels his spirit leave his flesh,
for he is about to die.

A soft breath leaves him, a word is sounded,
a drop of blood tickles his skin.
And what he said would be remembered by the millions
who actually believed in him.

"It is finished" he sounded quietly.
Dropping his head and leaving.
They take the lifeless vessel down.
And buried what they were seeing.

The story has been told for millennia.
He came, died and rose from the dead.
For many people heard his lessons,
And believed everything he said.

Many cried when he was beaten.
Many sobbed when he left the earth.
But that doesn't change the fact that what he did,
would impact the entire world.

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