Running From Everyone

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I woke the next morning to sunshine streaming through my window. James' cheek was resting on my hand and I could see his eyes were open. I heard the ruffle of paper turning and I saw he was reading a book. 

"Good morning." I spoke. 

He looked up to see me sleepily grinning at him.

"Not morning, more like 12:30 in the afternoon." He told me. I could see the humor in his eyes, as I realized how long I had slept. 

"Oh." Was all that came out. I slowly got up and got things around for the day.  James looked already showered, shaved and dressed. That man was always ready, for anything.

Again those dark circles under his eyes, which were slowly fading made me realize that he was not a normal man. 

"So, is there any chance that we can go into town today?" I asked him once I got into the kitchen. I watched as he thought about it.

"I suppose we could." He reluctantly agreed after I gave him the big sad eyes.  

 Smiling in victory and a bit of smugness I took the omelet that he had made me and sat down to eat.


I woke up to a car door shutting.

"Where are we?" I asked James.

"London. For now." He told me.

We had been on the run for about three weeks now. It had started with us going into town, and James seeing people he recognized. That was never a good thing. They spotted me and had opened fire right in the middle of town. I had never even seen James carrying a gun before but suddenly there was one in his hand and he had shot them all in the head. One bullet each right between the eyes. That's when we had stolen a car, and of course now. We were apparently in London.

"Why didn't we just go to California?" I asked him.

"Because they can trace you in America. We need to go underground. Russian wilderness or perhaps India." He stated this like it was obvious.

"Why Russia?" I asked still confused.

"I have connections there, I can keep you safe." He was watching the road as we drove our way to the next airport. We were halfway there when another car hit us. I screamed, and everything went fuzzy, my chest hurt and I struggled to stay awake when I felt something pulling on my arm.

"Move April!" I heard James yelling but I wasn't able to tell where from. Then I felt arms around me, and we were running. That's when I blacked out.



"Wake up!"

I jerked awake to a man's face staring into mine.

"This is for your father." Another slap.

"Now, where did your little guard go?" He had yellow teeth, like he smoked a pack a day all his life, not to mention a bad case of needing a shower.

"What?" I mumbled still half unconscious.

Smack. Another hit to the face.

"That is not the answer I am looking for, but if you wont tell us, then we will just have to convince you." That's when I saw another fist coming my way and everything just disappeared.


I woke shaking, drenched with sweat. How could that have been a dream? Gasping for breath I crawled across the floor to James. He was sleeping on the opposite side of the room in a hotel in Germany. I reached up and grabbed his hand. Almost hyperventilating I pulled and shoved till he too jerked awake.

"What, what's wrong? April?" His voice was in a panic.

"Nightmare." I managed to catch my breath enough to explain.

He picked me up and pulled me close to him.

"Everything is okay now. I'm right here." I heard his voice, soft and strong. His arms constricted slightly around me. I stopped shaking almost as soon as he held me.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much that helps." I told him.

"Maybe I do." He whispered into my ear. I slowly turned around in his arms so I could look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him confused.

"I mean maybe you help keep me calm just as much as I calm you." His eyes, so dark and gray, told me much more than his words. He really did need me. I didn't stop him as he slowly leaned his head forward. When his lips met mine, It was like a warm summer day, and an electric current suddenly had me wide awake. He broke the kiss and suddenly I realised I had entangled myself around him.

"Sorry." I mumbled and untangled myself from him.

"No, I'm not." He said. His eyes were still in the gray storm. I looked into his eyes and I suddenly understood. He cared for me, he loved me. And I loved him.

"Stay here." I told him as I got up and crossed to the other side of the bed. Carefully, I crawled in and curled onto my side. I felt his arms wrap around my waist. Closing my eyes I slept peacefully for the first night in months. Safe in his arms.

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