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(One month later)

Grayson's pov:
I walk into my first period, and I see a random kid sitting where Ethan and I usually sit.

I had never seen him before, blonde hair, deep blue eyes, about 6 feet tall.

"Who is he?" Ethan asks, walking in right behind me.

"No idea." I reply, making my way towards the mysterious dude.

I sit right next to him, and he jumps at my sudden movements.

"Oh sorry, is this your seat?" He questions.

"Yeah, but you don't have to move" Ethan replies. "We can sit here for today." Ethan pulls a chair up from the table behind us, and we all sit there in an awkward silence.

"So what's your name?" He asks looking at both Ethan and I.

"I'm Grayson, this is Ethan, and yours?"

"Brandon, but I'm used to being called Bran"

We ended up talking to Brandon the whole class period instead of doing our English assignment. He seemed like a cool kid, so we decided to invite him to sit with us at lunch.

"You sure? I don't want to barge in on your group." He replies, acting like he would be such a struggle to fit in.

"Yeah, they'll like you" Ethan says, thinking of what our friends, Aaron and Taylor, will think about Brandon.

The bell rang, and we all three spilt up and head to our next classrooms.

"See you at lunch!" I say to him as he walks through the door and goes towards his next class.

Caroline's pov:

I walk into the lunchroom, heading straight for the table I sit at with all my friends.

I see Grayson first, his smile lit up the room from a mile away, and I immediately smiled at the thought of him. He's just so fucking adorable.

I then see Jordan and Ethan sitting together, and the way he looks at her makes my heart melt.

My eyes then travel towards Aaron and Taylor, and then to a face that I've never seen before.

I reach the table and the only spot left was between Grayson and the blonde headed boy I didn't recognize.

"Hey babe" Grayson says, making butterflies swarm in my stomach. I swear he only has to say 'babe' and I'm head over heels.

I smile back, and I see that everyone has their attention on the new kid.

"So Brandon, do you play any sports?" Taylor asks interested in what he might play.

Brandon, brandon is his name. Alright noted.

"I play football, basketball, and I can play baseball, but I quit last year because basketball got in the way." His voice was deep, and his eyes were shining as he talked about his interests.

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