1 | The Case of 3 Coffee Machines

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It was another morning for Minseok, getting to work and making himself a cup of coffee as soon as he got into his office. His routine on the days before had always been smooth but a calamity dropped onto him one day.

His coffee machine broke.

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Distressed, the others knew how bad it would be if Minseok did not have his coffee machine. 

And so, Junmyeon, Jongdae and Jongin went out to buy their favourite brother a new coffee machine. Jongdae being the fastest had even brought Minseok out and gave the coffee-loving professor his new coffee machine.

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And so... Jongdae's reply had caused a bit of a stir...

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In the end, Minseok received all 3 coffee machines
which are now residing in his office.

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