⎡ The Students ⎦

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Note that students' Twitter usernames are next to their name


Shannon Kwan | shannon_k94

☇ A Malaysian-Chinese

☇ Language, Music

☇ Bookworm

☇ Procrastinator

☇ Shorter than everyone


Oh Minjoon | oh_minjoon

☇ Language, Music, Performing Arts

☇ Likes to be creative

☇ Finds it hard to focus on just one thing

☇ Has an obsession with music and coffee

☇ In the process of self-teaching multiple languages


Ema Seon | ehnqxx

☇ Language, Music

☇ Secretive yet a talkative person whose mouth knows no censor

☇ Beauty, grades, new clothes and friends are her everything

☇ Tries to be a diva but is not

☇ Laughs at virtually everything


Jean Ranger | wyfanaf

☇ Business, Language, Music

☇ Kris Wu's biggest fangirl

☇ Thinks she can dance but got kicked out by Professor 🐻 himself

☇ Has a decent brain, not too stupid yet not too smart

☇ Believes memes and crack are oxygen


Bianca Kang | B_Kang96

☇ Business, Performing Arts

☇ Indecisive over everything!

☇ Lover of dogs (always has the need to pet every dog she sees)

☇ Spends free time either sketching or watching dramas

☇ About to graduate but is hesitant on everything (where her indecisiveness comes in)

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