meet the family P1

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Meet janey!
She's the head of the house and the only one that's partially sane. With the curly hair and retro clothing she is a walking time bomb and an awesome mother. She does NOT like gum.

Meet Dave!
He's the dad (although sometimes refered to as the third child). He loves nature and is often found fixing one of the partially finished tasks in the backyard. He is extraordinary at crying in movies very loudly (with his daughter quietlt sniffling along) and chewing like a cow when he has gum.

Meet rubi!
Teenage girls are never fun. This one spends most of her free time binge watching shows like doctor who while eating warm cookies. She loves animals and drawing but kicks ass if needed.

Meet sam!
As the youngest in the family he has the role of being the cute chubby one. He is constantly playing minecraft with his friends and is recently obsessed with nerf guns (which is not good for the other three people living in the house).

He either wants to be an astronaut or a mechanic (why not both?)

All together?
We're a bundle of love, annoyances, laughted and a lot of craziness. Like any mildly sane family should be. We all can hate each other or love each other at times but we all have to put up with each other.

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