Chapter 1

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Kara Danvers had never been late for anything in her life. Yet here she was late for her first class at national city university, and all because she had waited until the last possible minute to move into her dorm room. And now she had over slept because of how exhausted she was from the move. * I can't believe I over slept on my first day!* She mumbled to herself as he quickly put up her hair in a ponytail and put on her glasses. She ran from the bathroom back to her room where she quickly grabbed her books, class schedules, and her map of the campus, plus a cup of coffee. She then ran out the door and down the nearest flight of stairs. Once she reached the bottom floor. she was looking at her map trying to figure out where her first class was, when all of the sudden she ran smack into someone which sent her books and papers flying and made her spill her coffee all down her shirt. *Great. Just great! Not only am I late on my first day but now this!* She thought to herself. "Oh gosh I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I should've been paying more attention." The voice pulled Kara out of her thoughts making her look down, to see a guy knelt down on the floor picking up her books and papers. "Well it's not all your fault, I wasn't paying attention either. I'm just late for my first class and I was looking at the map trying to make sure I went to the right place and I ran into you..." He nodded as he stood up. "Well I'm still sorry. I shouldn't be looking at my phone while walking anyway." He said as he handed her the books and papers she had dropped. "Plus now I've made you even more late..." he said as he finally looked up. Kara's breath got hitched in her throat when she finally saw his face. His dark brown hair looked neat, yet slightly messy as a couple of strands fell over his forehead, she had to resist the urge to reach out and push them back. His gray blue eyes starring back at her behind a pair of glasses of his own where the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen. And that grin on his face... it made her feel something in her stomach that she'd never felt before. And the rest of his body... she could definitely tell he was fit even with the dark blue weat shirt and jeans he was wearing. *He looks like the perfect guy from one of the romance novels I read or romcoms I watch.* She thought to herself, that is until she heard him clear his throat making her realize that she'd been staring for far too long. "I'm Mike Matthews buy the way." He said as he extended his right hand to her. She smiled as she switched her books to her left hand and shook his hand. "Kara. Kara Danvers." He nodded in response. "Oh shoot! I made you spill your coffee on your shirt. Are you okay? It didn't burn you did it?" His concern made her smile and she just shrugged her shoulders at him. "Yeah I'm fine it was barely warm anyway... I have to go." "Wait! I can't let you walk in late to class on your first day with coffee on your shirt." She looked at him puzzled. "And what exactly are you gonna do about that?" He shrugged. "You can wear my sweatshirt." He replied as he pulled on his sleeve freeing his arm and her eyes widened. "That's very kind but I can't let you walk around shirtless." He laughed as he pulled his other arm out of the sleeve. "It's fine I have a t-shirt on under this." He replied as he pulled the sweat shirt over his head revealing his toned abdomen. "Oh..." Kara gulped as she felt the heat rising in her cheeks. He held the sweat shirt in one hand as he pulled at the hem of his white t-shirt pulling it down. He then looked up at her with a small smile on his face and held out the sweat shirt to her. "Here. I'll hold your books and stuff while you put it on." She smiled as she handed him her things and took the sweat shirt pulling it on. "There. How do I look?" She asked and did a quick little spin making him laugh. She couldn't help but think that was the most beautiful sound she'd ever heard. "Well I think it looks much better on you then it did on me. Blue is definitely your color." "Well thanks. Especially for saving me from the embarrassment of walking in late and having everyone staring at the coffee I spilt on myself." She replied as she took her books from him. "Well..." he smiled. "It's the least I could do after causing you to spill the coffee all over yourself." She smiled and nodded. "Well I better get going... wait! How will I get this back to you?" He cocked his head at her as he pushed his glasses back up his nose. And Kara scolded herself for once again thinking about how damn adorable this stranger was. "Hmm... I guess I'll just have to give you my number." He grabbed her class schedule and flipped it over as she handed him a pen. He quickly wrote down his number and handed both things back to her. "There ya go. Just give me a call sometime and I'll come pick it up." Kara nodded as she walked towards the door. She turned around briefly right before she walked out. "So... I guess I'll see you later then?" He smiled and nodded. "I guess so. Good luck with your first day!" "Thanks." She smiled as she opened the door. "I'm sure I'll need it!"


Mike Matthews sat in the lobby of the dorm. Waiting on his best friend Barry Allen, since they both had the same class this morning they had decided to walk there together. But he couldn't stop himself from thinking about Kara. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get her out of his head. He couldn't help thinking about how beautiful she was. Even with the minimal amount of makeup she had on, and even with her golden hair pulled back in a pony tail, she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. He kept playing the scene of everything that happened over and over again in his mind. *She's so adorable when she gets flustered.* he thought when all of the sudden he noticed someone was waving their hand in front of his face. "Hello?! Earth to Mike!" The sound of his friends voice snapped him out of his trance and made him jump. "You okay dude?" Mike stood up and shrugged. "Yeah... yeah I was just thinking about something. You ready to go to class?" "Yeah..." Barry looked at him clearly confused. "Aren't you gonna be a little cold in just a t-shirt?" Mike shook his head as they walked out the door. "Nah I'm fine." "Okay man whatever." "So how'd the anniversary date go with Iris last night?" "Great!" Barry smiled. "I really think she's the one man." Mike smiled back at him. "That's great bro I'm so happy for you guys really." Barry reached over placing a hand on his friends shoulder. "Hey, you'll find the right girl sometime. You've got plenty of time too. I mean we're only 19, and not everyone finds their true love this young." "I know." Mike smiled. "But since you brought up the subject... I kinda met well more like ran into this girl in Iris's dorm this morning." "WHAT?!" Barry jumped and turned toward his friend. "So tell me about this girl." Mike shrugged. "Well I don't really know much about her, besides her name. She was late for class. We only talked for a couples of minutes." "Okay well tell me everything you know about her and about what happened." Mike smiled as he took a deep breath. "Okay... she's a freshman and her name is Kara Danvers, she has the most beautiful blonde hair and gorgeous blues eyes. She looks adorable when she's flustered and she gets this little crinkle between her eyebrows. Not to mention that she has the most beautiful and contagious smile." "So she's pretty huh?" Barry poked him in the side with his elbow. "Yeah..." Mike chuckled. "But she's not just beautiful Barry there's something different about her." Barry smiled. "You really like this girl don't you? Wait... was that what you were thinking about when you were zoned out earlier?" Mike laughed. "Yes. I was thinking about her. And I don't even know her. How could I possibly like her?" "Bro come on... We've been best friends since kindergarten, and the only times I've seen you zone out like that is either when your reading a book you really like, or thinking about a book you really like. Out of all the girls I've seen you date, I've never once seen you zone out because you're thinking about them like that." Mike sighed. "Okay so maybe I like her a little..." Barry laughed. "So what happened? how'd you meet her?" "Well I was on my phone looking over my class schedule as I walked into the dorm when all of the sudden I ran into someone. Which sent her books and papers flying to the ground." "Oh bro... you didn't..." "I did... and it gets worse. I also caused her to spill her coffee on her shirt." "Oh... that's bad. That's really bad! Was she mad?" "No actually. She was really nice and forgiving. She said it was just as much her fault since she was looking at the map of the campus trying to figure out where her class was." Barry smiled and nodded. "So are you gonna see her again?" Mike shrugged. "I don't know? I mean I gave her my number so I'm hoping she'll call and I'll get to see her again." Barry smiled as they stopped just outside their classroom door. "Hey don't worry. If it's meant to be she'll call you." "Yeah I guess you're right." Mike replied as they walked inside.

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