Chapter 2

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It had been two days since Kara had run into Mike and she still hadn't called him. She figured that waiting two days was long enough to make it seem like she wasn't over eager to see him again. Even if seeing him again was pretty much all she thought about the past two days he didn't need to know that. So she sat on her bed with her phone in her hand as she stared at the neatly folded sweat shirt she'd just washed and dried. *This is ridiculous! You shouldn't be this nervous about calling the guy so he can come get his sweat shirt.* she thought to herself as she finally built up the courage to call him. She sat there, anxiously twirling a piece of her hair between her fingers, while she listened to the phone ring waiting for him to pick up. "Hello?" He answered."Um hi!" She replied. "Hi." "Is this Mike Matthews?" "It is... who's this?" "Kara." "Kara Danvers? The girl I ran into and made her spill coffee on herself? That Kara Danvers?" *he remembers me* she couldn't help thinking as a smile pulled at her lips. "Um yes.. yeah that's me. Anyway I uh... washed and dried your sweat shirt and it's ready for you if you want to come get it." "Great! What's your room number?" "Oh right you'll kinda need that. It's room 423." "Alright then I'll see you in a few minutes if that's okay?" "Yeah that's fine... okay see ya." "See ya." Her smile grew as she hung up the phone. She couldn't explain why she was so happy that she was gonna see him again even if it would just be for a few seconds. She was so anxious that she couldn't stop pacing the floor, or checking her look in the full length mirror hanging on the wall. Her hair was down and curled, and she was wearing blue jeans, a light weight pink and gray plaid shirt, and white converse. She was running her fingers through her curls when she finally heard a knock on the door. She quickly ran over and opened it. "Hi." She smiled at Mike taking in the site of him. His hair looked just like she remembered and he was wearing blue jeans, a gray and black striped t-shirt, and a black leather jacket with black shoes. "Hi." He smiled in return making her heart flutter in her chest. *What is it with this guy?* she thought. "Let me just uh... go get your sweat shirt." He nodded as he nervously rocked back and forth on his feet. Kara returned quickly with the sweat shirt in her hands and he smiled as she handed it to him, their hands brushed each others briefly. "Thank you so much for letting me wear this. That was a really sweet thing to do especially for someone you just met." He smiled as he looked down at the floor then back up at her while pushing his glasses back up his noise. "Nah it was nothing really. It was the least I could do." She smiled at him. "Well I just wish I could do something to repay you for your kindness." He cocked his head and bit his bottom lip for a few seconds while he was thinking. Kara could feel her cheeks heating up as she stared at him and she hoped he wouldn't notice. "Have you eaten dinner yet?" He finally asked. "Nope. I was about to go eat after this." At that moment she could've swore she saw excitement flash in his eyes as a small grin appeared on his face. "Well then... you can have dinner with me and we'll call it even. I mean... if you want to have dinner with me of course I'd never force you to do any..." "Mike." She interrupted his nervous rambling and started to giggle. "I'd love to have dinner with you." A big smile spread across his face as he stepped to the side so Kara could walk out into the hallway. "Well then... shall we?" Mike replied as he motioned for her to join him. "We shall." She smiled. 


Mike was sitting across the table from Kara, stirring his food around his plate with his fork. "So... uh... how did the rest of your first day go?" He asked right as she took a bite of food. She chewed her food quickly and swallowed. "Uh pretty good actually. After my first class that is, that was a nightmare." He frowned at that. "What happened?" She sighed as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "You mean besides the professor calling me Keira... and making a mockery of me in front of the entire telling me if I'm tardy one more time that she'll fail me." Mike chuckled. "Ah so you're taking miss Grants class huh?" Kara nodded. "Yeah! How'd you know that's who I was talking about?" "I took her class last semester. I also fell asleep in the middle of class on the first day..." Kara laughed and suddenly he couldn't breathe, and all he wanted to do was make her laugh again. "You fell asleep?" He smiled. "Yeah I did. And as you can imagine that did not go over well." "I bet!" "Yeah... Miss Grant is a little rough sometimes, but she really cares about her students. She's harder on the students she sees the most potential in, but she's a great teacher." She nodded and took another bite. "Thanks for the info." "My pleasure. So tell me about yourself Kara Danvers." She cocked her head at him. "Okay... what do you wanna know?" "I don't know... tell me about where you grew up, about your family, and friends ya know that sort of stuff." She smiled and nodded. "Okay... I'll tell you about all that if you tell me all the same things about yourself." "Deal." She smiled at him. "Okay. I grew up in midvale. My parents died in a car accident when I was 12..." he reached over and placed his hand on hers. "Oh Kara I'm sorry to hear about your parents. That must've been so hard to go through." She smiled sweetly at him. "It was. But I was adopted by great people Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers, they're both doctors as well as my adoptive sister Alex. As far as friends go... besides my sister I've only had one best friend, her names Eve Tessmacher and I've known her ever since I can remember. Okay your turn." "Alright... well I grew up in a suburb right outside metropolis. I'm an only child and my parents own their own business, well it's actually an industry." Kara's eyes widened as her fork slipped out of her hand and fell to the table. "Wait a second... Matthews as in Matthews global industries Matthews?" He nodded. "Yep. That's the one." "Your parents are Mark and Rhea Matthews?!" "Yep." "Wow! But you don't act like a spoiled rich kid at all." Mike chucked at that. "Well thank you very much." "You're welcome. But seriously what are you doing going to school here? You could go to any university in the world you're so loaded." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Actually I'm not loaded. My parents are but we've sort of disowned each other." Kara's face softened at that. "What happened?" "Well it's a long story,

one that I'd rather not get into right now... but my parents weren't exactly the best parents in the world so when I was legally old enough to move out I did and they cut all ties with me. I haven't talked to them in 3 years." This time Kara reached over and held his hand. "Mike, I'm so sorry." "Don't be. My life's better without them in it. Anyway I only have one best friend too. I've known him since kindergarten and he's like a brother to me. His names Barry Allen and he also goes to school here." She smiled. "Well I'd love to meet him sometime." "Then I guess I'll have to introduce you to him sometime." She nodded as she let go of his hand. By then they had finished their food, so they decided to walk back to Kara's dorm. "So Mike, since you obviously aren't going to take over the family business... what are you gonna do carrier wise?" "I'm going to be an author. I love to read and when I was growing up, reading a book was a way I could escape from my life for awhile. It was something that helped me get through some really hard times. So I want to be able to write books that can do the same thing for other people. I know that probably sounds cheesy but..." "I think that sounds amazing Mike. Reading books is a great way to escape from everyday life, and it also teaches you things too. Which are two of the reasons why I love to read so much." He smiled at her. "Yeah me too. So what about you Kara? You gonna be a doctor like the rest of your family?" "Oh no! Don't get me wrong what they do is amazing and I want to help people too but in a different way. I want to be a reporter. That way I can help people by telling them the truth about certain things and also inspire them and give them hope." Mike smiled at her. "I think that's great. You'll make an amazing reporter Kara. In fact, I bet you'll be the youngest reporter to win a Pulitzer." She laughed. "I doubt that, but thanks." She wrapped her arms around herself as she started to shiver from the cold night air. "Here put this on." Mike said as he handed her the sweat shirt she'd given back to him earlier. "No it's okay I'm fine." He stopped walking and stared at her. "Kara, it's cold out and you don't even have a jacket on. Plus your shivering like crazy. So... either you put this on or I give you my jacket and I put on the sweat shirt." She sighed as she took the sweat shirt from him. "Fine I'll put it on." "Thank you." He replied and he resisted the urge to wrap her in his arms to warm her up. "Better?" "Much better." She smiled at him as they started walking again. And just few minutes later they were back at Kara's dorm room. "Well thanks for going to dinner with me. I had a good time." He smiled softly at her as he put his hands into his pockets. "Thanks for inviting me. I had fun too. It was so much better than eating alone like I have been the last three days." "Well you don't have to eat alone anymore. I mean if you don't want to that is." She smiled as she pushed her glasses up onto her nose and Mike could feel his cheeks heating up. "Oh! I should probably give this back to you. Since it's the whole reason you even came here." Kara said as she started to take off the blue sweat shirt. "Actually... why don't you just keep it? I have plenty of sweat shirts." She cocked her head her brows knit together in confusion. "Are you serious?" "Yeah." He shrugged. "Like I said, it looks much better on you anyway." She looked down toward the floor and smiled then looked up at him through her eye lashes. *she's like the perfect combination of beautiful and adorable.* He thought and he could've sworn she was blushing which for some reason made his heart skip a few beats. "Well uh... thank you." He smiled at her as she opened her door and walked into her room. "You're welcome." She smiled shyly at him as she leaned on the door and all he wanted to do was kiss her goodnight. *No not yet it's too soon.* he told himself. "Goodnight Mike." He smiled at her. "Goodnight Kara." 

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