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I grew up in a neighborhood of happy people. Singing is our hobby. Videoke and singing in the streets are normal in our place. That's why I grew up loving music. When I was young I do not have the confidence in joining singing contest because I am not physically attractive enough to show myself in a stage. Also I thought my voice is not qualified for contests

Until one day someone challenged me into this Radio singing contest. It is a singing contest in a radio station. At first, I didn't like to join but when my friends joined I took the chance in joining too. I passed the audition. I was not nervous in every performances because I didn't see mh audience. We were singing in a radio station with a live broadcast so it helped me deal with stage fright.

I won that competition. That's why I gained confidence in joining other singing contests in our place. Until one day I discovered that I have a polyp in my throat and I cannot hit high notes anymore.

This made my world crumbled. I love music. Music is my life. But why did this need to happen? Why me?

I stopped singing and joining contests. Until one day I heard about Jessie J. I loved her music. I started listening to music again. Weeks, months and years until I realized I can still sing. Reaching high notes is not the only option to be a singer. I developed my own techniques in singing. Then I joined X Factor Phillipines Season 1.

I was very nervous. I thought so many things. What if my hard work is not yet enough? What if they wouldn't like my singing? So many things ran in my head. But as soon as I stepped on the stage it was like the most natural thing that happened. I sang my heart out. I didn't care what will the judges say and I gave my all. My voice, my hard work, and my soul I poured everything. And that's when it all started.

I won X Factor. My music career bloomed. I had concerts,guestings and albums. I sang for many movies' and series' theme song. I got my dream. My hard earned dream.

I thought everything was complete. But something is still missing.
Whenever I go to the stage, I always look down on myself specifically on my physical appearance. I am not beautiful as the other singers. I am small. I am not sexy in fact I was bullied as ugly in my childhood days.

My clothing style was different now from before even my hair styles it's not plain and simple anymore. I also have petite figure and a nicer skin than before but still I am not that beautiful yet. I can't avoid being insecure whenever I go to stage with other wonderful looking singers but I just shug off the feelings everytime and act composed. That's what professionalism is I thought.

Now, I've been invited in an international singing competition in China. I accepted of course. Now I am in most nervous state. I will represent my country and my music.

And I will do my best.

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