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My music partner's real name is Tan You Ming. And in all fairness he is so handsome and has a nice body built.
He is caring and accommodating. We are now in my dressing room. They are done doing my make up and everything.

Right now I am really nervous. I will represent my country and I don't know if I can make them proud. I decided to sing my own version of rolling in the deep. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Ask Jacki my music partner. He didn't leave me alone since I got here and I'm really thankful for that. I wouldn't know how to understand everything if he's not by my side. I looked at him and he seem worried. Gosh those lips are irresistible. I mentally slapped my head for thinking that.

"Nothing. I'm just nervous. Thanks for asking." I replied then smiled.

"Don't worry. You'll do good." He said. And damn why is he so handsome? I mentally cursed.

"T-thank yyou." I managed to utter.
He smiled at me gorgeously. Ugh. Damn this. Since I was a kid I really admired this kind of looks. I don't know but I admire their eyes and skin.

He introduced me to other contestants. He accompanied me in going everywhere without hesitation. I saw his kindness in such a short period of time. Well I won't hesitate to say that I admire my music partner.

"It's your turn KZ. I'm sure you'll do well." He said. My nervousness turned into excitement. I am like this. I am nervous before going to the stage but whenever I go to stage it will always feel natural for me. They say I am a monster in stage and I won't deny that. I love performing.

Jacki accompanied me and led me to the stage as he smiled saying good luck. I smiled back. I saw the prompter flashed the signal.

Then I began.

"We could have had it allllll. Rolling in the deep."


After my performance I was so happy. I didn't expect the audience would like it so much. I am now walking to my Jacki. Kidding. My music partner. And he congratulated me. And I hugged him in response. I felt him tense for a while then he hugged me back.

"I told you. You did more than amazing. They loved you" he uttered . I broke the hug.

"Thank you so much." I wiggled a bit.

"No problem. You're my partner so I will support you. Let's go and meet the others." He said then motioned the way.

When we entered the waiting room. They are all applauding.

"You did great my girl." Jessie J said and hugged me.

"Thank you so much." I said. And i can't hide my happiness anymore. After hugging my idol the others offered hand shake while the others hugged me as well.

"You're amazing." I heard someone say. I looked at the person and saw Hua Chenyu. Gosh. Another admiration is growing inside me. Why are they so gorgeous? I need justice. I mentally cursed again. I was brought back ti reality when Hua pulled me into hug. For few seconds he might noticed that my body was tensed so he retreated. And congratulated me.
I thanked him and offered the best smile I can offer. It's so awkward. But I cannot avoid to feel lucky. One of China's most sought after bachelor just hugged me. Wow. That was damn lucky. Though I mentally noted that I will never have a chance on someone like him, I decided to atleast befriend him later.

I went beside my music partner.

"You okay?" He asked. He's staring at me.

"Yes. Thank-you." I said and pulled out a smile.

We are now waiting for the result.
I felt someone pressed my hand lightly. I turned my hand to see who it is and saw my music partner.

"Relax Kristine." He said . And I nodded.

"Alright you did all well. Now I'll announce top 1." Mr. Hong said. The owner and producer of the show.

"KZ Tandingan. Congratulations" he said.

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