Chapter 11

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Roberta pov

So there I was going to bite my dad #louis and i felt like I was going to kill him and they will have to brake the band. Anyway I bit him and he just collapse .I went to my room and took Dylan with me so he could sleep in my bed with me for protection.The next morning i woke up by Dylan crying.
Roberta: are you OK little buddy
Dylan: no I'm hunwry, me want food
Roberta: ok c'mon let's eat before the guys wake up
when eat and he fell asleep before I even knew.As I was putting him in a crib in his room the door from Liam bedroom flung open .And there was a Hungry Liam so I told him to come with me and he did we went to look for a killer or something ( they don't kill inosent people they kill killer or people that abuse mental and physically to others in other word they help the word be better) Liam and me we're walking when we heard someone screaming it was a little gurl and the screams were coming from a house in the woods. We got to the house and there was a man hitting the girl and he then got her and stab her with a knife then Liam enter and partially kill the dude with punch in the face and i took the gurl with me and look at her injuries then I took the decision of make her a vampire cause she was loosing to much blood and everything so I make her a vampire. Then Liam came and pick her up bridal style
Liam: she is my mate
Roberta : Well we better protect her

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