chapter three

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we got to Zoe's house and she set the box on her dresser in her room, I looked at the box and was surprised. She bought a short sword a katana, it was black steel.I walked in to her room it was plain white with wepons everywhere she was obviously a tomboy there was no pink in the house, we sat down and she took her shoes off and just as fast jumped up walked over and grabbed some sneakers from her closest. come on she said, I got up and followed her. she took out her phone and punched the buttons, hello? she asked, hey Leo she said, come over fast, she listened for a while okay just tell your mom you will do it later, okay just hurry up, bye. well you are going meet my best and only friend, his name is Leo  he's kinda odd so be prepared, we sat in her room until this guy Leo came over when he did he had a huge suitcase. Hi Zoe he said, the guy was a short kid, he had short black hair and big oval glasses he walked in and set his suitcase down. I'm Leo he said and held his hand out to shake, I took it and shook twice I looked at Zoe she shrugged. Leo and Zoe walked into her room, Zoe stopped and bent down she hooked her finger into a hole and pulled up a trap door and stepped down. Leo followed. I just stared then hearing Zoe call my name I followed. I can't explain how surprised I was to see a spiraling stair case that led at least twenty feet down, I walked down the stairs behind Leo down to a steel door, Zoe pulled out a key and unlocked the door. what opened up was a room about twenty feet in width and twenty feet in length, I walked in to see seven, ten foot monitors and a lot of wires and boxes with electronic devices in them, and three advanced generators  advanced like military grade. under the monitors was a huge desk and a key board with a mouse, along with the key board there where books, stacks of books on the desk beside the desk and under the desk. there where also tons of coffee cups littered around everywhere, that was all in one corner of the room the other corner was where at least five bookshelves all filled to the brim behind another large desk with paper and advanced mathematical work spread out. Leo impatiently walked over to the desk with the bookshelves and plopped down in a huge leather chair his suitcase next to him, Zoe just stood in front of the desk with the monitors. she turned and looked at me, welcome to alpha she said as she spread her arms proudly.

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