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Her head was pounding. Her whole body felt like it went through a stomping and she was the unfortunate victim.

A very sharp pain across her back made everything worse. It was like every fiber of her being was aching and she could feel everything.

She can't remember anything. Why can't she remember anything? What happened to her? Why was she in pain? What was in her back that made everything ache? Where is she?

Her left cheek was flat against a soft pillow. Her arms lay immobile on either side of her head while her front body was pressed on top of a hard bed.

Slowly, she opened her eyes so to see where she was exactly. She was in a decently lightened room. Old poorly assembled planks of wood were the walls and a small bedside table with an old lampshade was beside her bed.

She carefully turned her head to the other side, didn't even bother to move her body yet because the pain that minimal moving causes was already intolerable. She understands that by moving her whole body, she'll just double the feeling.

The other side was nothing but the wall and a closed door. She also realized that she was all alone in the room. Who put her there and left her wounded?

She closed her eyes again and tried her best to recall anything that happened to her before she woke up to this place.

And suddenly, one at a time, flashbacks happened in her mind.

Corridors. She saw herself running. She was running through different corridors.

Walls. Ancient looking walls towered the corridors, and it was covered by thick greend ivies all over it.

A monster. The creature that was running after her. Something cold and sharp hit her back and slashed her. Blood flowing and dampening her clothes.

A vast green place.

The bright sunlight.


Her name. She remembered her name.

My name is Terra.

But that's it. That was all. That's all she could remember, for now.

Again, she closed her eyes. She tried to think harder if she will remember anything else. There has to be something else in that head of hers. She couldn't just lose every memory she has.

But there was nothing. She really can't remember anything.

She needed answers. She needed to know where she is. Why can't she remember anything other than her name, the walls and the hideous ace of the monster that almost killed her?

Was Terra even her real name? Why can't she remember her last name? What were her parent's names? Where does she live? How old is she?

Nothing. Nothing at all.

She tried to move her arms. Carefully, she lifted her aching body up with all the strength she could muster. Her arms were shaking but she managed. The long waves of brown hair fell down and covered her face. Her feet dangled down to the side of the bed until her toes touched the wooden floor underneath her. She managed to sit, her back arched and the wound throbbing with every sharp breath she takes in. Her head was down as tears began forming in her eyes because of the pain. It was just too much.

Trickles of sticky liquid began running down the skin of her back. The wound was still fresh and have begun bleeding, again. She shouldn't have moved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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