The little man

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Once upon a time, there was a young boy that lived with his family in a tiny little cottage outside of a big city. He had 5 brothers, 4 sisters, and two dogs. His family was always hungry.

The reason for their dilemma, was because the siblings' idiot father had lost all of their money gambling. and to make things worse, it was winter, so the little money the family saved up, it was for new jackets, and winter clothing.

That day since the family could not eat, so they sat around their small wooden table playing an old game of die, laughing and teasing, but also being hungry. All of a sudden, a little tiny man appeared out of nowhere at the young boy's feet. "Here, take this" while giving him a big hot dog. The hot dog had everything on it. It had chocolate, whipped cream, spinach, lettuce, cheese, gummy worms, tomatoes, mushrooms, caramel, jelly beans and cotton candy. In other words, it was a child's dream food.(Except of course the veggies.) So the young boy took the hotdog and tiptoes out of the room into the kitchen. He proceeded to take off the spinach, lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, and mushrooms and threw them into the garbage. He tiptoed out of the kitchen after that action and went outside the little cottage and eat the WHOLE hot dog. Right before he stepped into the cottage the little man appeared in front of him and said, "you failed the greed test; you will pay!" and disappeared. The boy did not care what the little man said. However, for the rest of the whole week, he had bad luck. When the family received some money, they bought food but only enough for everyone except the young boy. The two dogs only peed on the boy's bed, NO one else's. So, for the rest of the week, the young boy was suffering like he had a really bad case of karma.

The moral of the story? You should not be selfish or greedy

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