#4: Weather Forecast

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☁🌁 Cloudy, expect rain.

Rain, rain
Go away
Come again another day

We now bring you terrible news

I won't be on over spring break


I'm never good enough


Nobody sees how hard i try

How much I care

You remind me constantly that its useless

Its never good enough

I fucking miss you

You never reply anymore

I want to talk to you

But its like every time I try

You slam the door on me

Why can't you see I want you to really come back

Stop shutting everyone out

I don't care what you say anymore

I just want you to say something

I wish you would talk to me..

I never forgot about you

And I never will but you constantly claim that these words are dead but they aren't

Please come back, sis..

A Recipe for Disaster {Random Book #2}Where stories live. Discover now