Something Beautiful, Something Ugly, & Some Thing

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Things are
They're ugly (like me!)
Are just fucking things
When those things
Are beautiful things
You're attracted towards those things
It could be any object of your desire
A diamond ring
A baseball bat that Al Capone used to ruff up a rat
Or just this random girl's butt
But sometimes
It's more than those things
It could be a true beauty
It could be a non physical thing
It could be the hand in marriage of the one you want forever
It could be the burning passion for someone else to be a mutual, never ending flame
But sometimes
You can get blinded
By what you perceive as beautiful
And that thing
Could be ugly
It could be a thirty day old corpse of a very large man that was very fond of chocolate and stinky cheese
It could be your backstabbing ex's face seared into your eyelids
It could also be a bag full of maggots in your doritos, so now you're left with a gallon of mountain dew and a sad dorito gremlin
But sometimes
Those things aren't ugly
Like that girl you used to bully in seventh grade, who's had a really hood glow up and now owns several companies because you always bullied her on her appearance and her smell (although you never really liked roses because of that one day in elementary school where you had them shoved up your nose by fifth graders)
Or maybe when you were enemies with your first love, but you never knew that he would be, so you always beat him with a badminton racket because you thought he had a bad personality, even though you were the one who needed to change their behavior for everyone's sake
Oh and that time where you didn't save those pets who were brutally mutilated by your girlfriend and they turned into a nice slushy for your neighbors to wonder the true sanity of your relationship with her
And sometimes these things
Are just fucking things
Like chairs
And death
You just need to learn the difference between some things to know whether or not they are
Or just a thing

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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