Chapter 14: Gnarlak

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The growing cold of the weather sliced through Mottle's fur like an icy claw. Mottle shivered with his fur slightly bristling along his spine in an effort to warm himself. The pain was unimaginable, though, and he just longed to curl up in bed and never move again. However, they had work to do and Creedence couldn't stand to be at home at the moment.

So, Mottle had whispered goodbye to Prudence and made sure that she knew to stay out of sight and cautious around Mary Lou. After the bast beating of Mottle and Creedence, he wasn't sure how far that she would go.

That was when he had hobbled off into the streets after a shaking and now sobbing Creedence. His body was in just as much pain, if not more, than Creedence, but showing weakness like that wasn't a possibility. He had to remain strong, even though his body was screaming in literal protest of absolutely everything that he did.

"Mottle," sniffed Creedence against the wind as he held throbbing hands up to his chest. "Are you coming?"

"Yes," called Mottle as he struggled to pick up the pace. His one leg gave way and he came crashing against the hard ground. His muzzle smacked down first and Mottle cringed as he struggled to force himself back to his paws, coughing and nearly gagging on the small puddle that he had found his muzzle in.

He swore under his breath as he rushed to his paws. He limped forward and followed Creedence into their usual hiding area. Creedence fell down against the side of the wall, whimpering softly. He lifted up his shaky and beaten hands, gasping in pain as the sobs shook the surrounding area.

There was a small whimper from Mottle. He hated seeing Creedence that much in pain and heartbreak. He pushed down all of what he was feeling and curled beside Creedence, stretching out his head to brush against his shoulder to try and calm him down. It was truly in vain, but Mottle stayed where he was.

Since his last beating, Mottle had barely been able to move. He had been worried about Creedence the most, but since he couldn't move, he had sent Prudence to comfort him. Prudence had done an impressive job. Creedence had stroke her and placed her on his lip. He had even laughed and smiled about it. Prudence certainly had a gift, yet it was wasted in the orphanage where she was afraid of being beaten.

When Mottle had finally figured out how to move, they had to get out of the house to get some air. He had reluctantly headed to the same alley that they always seemed to find themselves in and that's where they were now.

"Does it hurt when she kicks you," sniffled Creedence with his eyes and nose streaming.

Mottle nodded slowly. "Yeah, just a bit. But, I think that you got the brunt of it. I'll be fine," Mottle lied. Truth be told, it hurt when he moved or even breathed. But, Creedence didn't need to know all that. Let him think that Mottle wasn't as bad as he thought. It would probably be easier in the long run.

"It hurts," whined Creedence through sobs.

"Let me see," breathed Mottle softly. Creedence reluctantly turned over his hands. They were covered in scratches, bruises, and they were slightly swollen. He flipped them over and started to lick them. He smiled to himself as Creedence let out the tiniest sigh of relief. "It's not great, but it'll do."

Mottle rose to his paws timidly and arched his back in as much of a stretch as he could manage. "Now, I'm going to go and call Graves and Harvey. They need to help us."

Creedence didn't argue as Mottle padded forward and out of the alleyway. He lifted his head and let out a long, wolf howl. It wasn't loud since he didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. But, it was loud enough for everyone to know what was going on.

He heard the whoosh of wind and knew automatically who it was. He limped back as Harvey joined his side. His thick coat shone in the moonlight while his fluid movements strong and controlled. Mottle wished that he was like Harvey, but perhaps one day he'd get there.

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