Chapter 3

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Last time~(this is mainly for me, but just in case your randomly reading this chapter without the reading the other's first it will help you)
Pidge looked up as her cell door opened. She curled up against the wall in hopes that no one would see her before the world turned black.

Pidge woke up in what looked like some sort of Galra cell. A strange masked person opened the door and dragged her out into the arena.
(Sence we don't have much knowledge from Netflix yet I'm going off a headcannon.

"I'll make this simple. Answer my questions truthfully and we won't beat the shit out of you." The masked figure said.

"Fuck off." Pidge weakly growled before being kicked around effortlessly for a few moments. She groaned as she felt something break when she landed on her wrist, making her use all the energy it took to not give them the satisfactory emotion from a scream. She grunted as she was kicked in the chest, making her roll over.

"What do the galra gain for your torture?" He asked.

Pidge looked at him. "Find out yourself, genius." She snarled, rewarded with not one but two guards beating her around like a kitten. She rolled into the wall and groaned before being thrown across the arena. This continued for several hours until more than 10 guards were doing it and had nearly killed her did she pass out.

~le time skip brought to you by Jake from State farm~

Pidge looked up as the door started to open. She lay still until the person went to grab her when she somehow managed to get in the corner near the top of the room. Even with her hands in the shitty space cuffs and multiple rubs broken. She hissed at the person, her face shadowed. She saw a bar and clung on to it while she kicked the air vent open and slid in.

~Keith's POV~
I sighed as the captured informant escaped, I climbed into the at vent myself and pulled them out of the equivalent of a broom closet into the light, the moment it hit the female's face I dropped their leg. It was Pidge.

Sorry this was so late

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