Iron Adventures In The Seven Seas 8

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It's now two monsters against the pirate megazord, due to a built in feature of vrak baron's monsters turning large when they're destroyed.

From the pirate megazord. "Argh, looks like that hardy ragtag crew managed to destroy vrak baron's monster in normal size." "But now we have two skallywags to deal with." The two monsters started double teaming the pirate megazord. From the ground. "We're gonna have to activate the samurai zords to help them, there's no way around it." "Yes there is, the stallion Zord." "Of course, since there are magical items all over the place in this time period, seeing a magically summoned giant stallion shouldn't reveal our futuristic origins." "Alright Allie, do it." Allie started drawing the stallion symbol. "Stallion knight, silver stallion power!" The silver stallion materialized out of nowhere. The team jumped in. "Stallion warrior mode, activate!" The stallion zord transformed into the stallion megazord. "Stallion megazord, ready!" "Iron super drive saber, activate!" The super drive saber beamed into allie's hands. "Iron super drive, activate!" Their armor bulked up. "Battle mode, engage!" "Alright Allie, let's do this." "You got it Jeremy!" The stallion megazord punched the new monster in the face, right in front of the pirate megazord. "Well, what you do ye know." "That ragtag team has their own megazord." "Well, better late then never." "Let's finish this." "Pirate super drive saber!" "Iron super drive saber!" "Power up!" The two super drive sabers powered up. "Iron super drive, stallion whirlwind finish!" "Pirate super drive, yo ho slash!" The stallion megazord shot a whirlwind at private buccaneer while the pirate megazord slashed at the sea monster, they were both instantly destroyed. "Yeah!" "The space key is secured."

In the cave. "Galactatron, could you please explain to me what just happened?" "First, they morphed into battle mode using futuristic devices, then they summoned a magic horse zord to finish off private buccaneer." "But before you said that they should be zordless, so how did they just summon a magic horse?" "That zord must not rely on its connection to the heart for activation." "How many others are of similarity?" "19 more, only 18 can be easily accessed by those brats." "We need the power to counter those things."

On the "Avenger", the group was sailing off to the Second key. Jeremy was in his assigned quarters, getting through to Jarvis through the trans time communication station. "Jarvis, come in jarvis, do read me?" "I read you sir, what's up?" "Just wanted to check in and see how things were going." "Everything's going great, the time machine project is proceeding on schedule, should be finished in a couple weeks, what are you guys up to?" "Well, we figured that since we really had nothing better to do while stuck in 1672, we met some pirates called the pirate avengers, and they agreed to help us get to the time vortex, a machine that could get us home." "A back up plan in case I don't get the time machine project finished first, smart move." "Thanks, hey, anything come up on the emergency channel?" "Nothing the Jedi rangers can't handle, so everything is fine and dandy here." "Good." "Well, if you don't mind I'll just get back to the time machine project." "Ok Jarvis, end transmission." The station cut out and converted back to cube mode. Right when Casey opened the door. "Jere, you might want to come to the lab, the space key is acting up." Jeremy got up and followed Casey.

The super iron avengers and the pirate avengers have obtained the first key to the time vortex, and Jarvis makes good progress on the time machine project back in the 22nd century, what will happen next? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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