Iron Adventures In The Seven Seas 10

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The space key is actually a cybertronian minicon who now shares the secret origins of the super iron avengers, sounds like the usual craziness of the day.

Spacey the space key was at the helm of the "Avenger", steering the ship in the right direction. With Bluebeard watching him closely. "Hey cap'n, can you direct your gaze somewhere else, your making spacey here really uncomfortable." "Sorry shorty, but I don't trust anyone else to man the helm of this ship, so I'm keeping an eye on ye to make sure ye don't try anything foolish." "Alright, whatever you say." Spacey noticed something in the distance. "Heads up y'all, timey's location is dead ahead." All heads turned to see what looked like a giant rock. "That's where timey is?" "Our repair shipyard?" "Your what?" "Ye think the "Avenger" can not be damaged? If she is damaged, we patch her up just enough to get here, and we've stored a few treasures here on ocassion, including an ancient key." "That must be timey, the time key." "Ye may be right." "Well then, lets load a boat, sail to that rock and get my counterpart, your gonna need my advanced technology to awaken him anyway." "Ye can magically bring him back to life?" "Sure you big scallywag, lets go with that."

In the cave, in the viewing globe room. "So, its that old rock that's the time keys location eh, well, galactatron, I think it's time you made your presence known." "Finally, I may not be able to destroy them now, but at least I can give them the scaring they deserve!" "Great, morlock, send him to the rock." "Piem totom, locomotor!" Galactatron started to sparkle and fade as he was teleported to the rock.

At the pirate avenger repair shipyard, the "Avenger" was docked in her harbor as the pirate and super iron avengers along with spacey ventured into the rock, which was packed with treasure. "Whoa, you guys have sure done a lot in a surprisingly short amount of time." "It helped that all this stuff was in relatively close proximity to each other." "Oh, now that makes perfect sense." The group turned the corner and saw the time key. "There she blows mateys, shorty, why don't ye work yer magic on it." "Aye aye cap'n." Spacey ran up to the key while a powerful explosion suddenly shook the ground. "Whoa, what in blazes was that?" They all suddenly saw a menacing figure with a particularly familiar helmet. "Hello super iron brats, remember me? The titan you almost blasted out of existence!" The super iron avengers did a double take. "Galactus?!" "Its Galactatron now, and this time, you and your little friends are going down!" Galactatron fired at the group, blasting them off their feet. "Jeremy, who may this scallywag be?" "That's Galactus, or Galactatron, however you want to say it, he's a space Titan who eats planets just for the heck of it." "Really? And you stopped him?" "Yes, although don't ask me how he's still alive after what we threw at him." Galactatron laughed. "Allow me to explain. You brats did indeed destroy me back in 2117, but the local villain in this time period found my helmet and revived me." "The vrak baron." "Precisely, and now, your toast!" Galactatron began charging. "Cap'n, you and your crew catch up to spacey, we'll hold off galactatron." "But Jeremy, what may he mean the year 2117?" "I'll explain later, but right now spacey needs your help." "Aye matey, lets go pirate avengers." The pirate avengers raced after spacey. "Alright guys, we can't afford to hold anything back this time, let's all out." "Take your best shot!" "Its morphing time!" "Avengers, assemble!" "Magical source, iron force!" "RRR, emergency!" They morphed into battle mode.

And the super iron avengers futuristic origins is revealed by galactatron, how will the pirate avengers react? Find out, as the adventure continues.

To be continued.

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