Foxy: How you met

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Y/N's pov: (Warning this chapter is a bit scary so make sure to only read if your 10 years old, at the youngest, or older)

You are an employee who worked during the dayshift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. You never were really passionate of working there for you always found most of the place just straight out creepy, even as a kid. The only reason you even got a job to work there in the first place was because you had just graduated high school and needed a job. Though as an employee you weren't very enthusiastic about your job, and your boss always disliked you for that. Since you werent happy enough around the children while working for your boss to allow you to become a chef, tickets/prize corner clerk, or waitress you ended up being moved down to a janitor for Pirate Cove.

You found this demotion rather pointless and degrading, but you dealt with it anyways because you were at least happy that you weren't fired. You were the pirate cove's janitor for 2 years straight, and the only thing that excited you about the job was getting to hear Foxy tell stories to all the children. You loved hearing Foxy's storries as a child, and seeing him now brought you alot of happy memories. Even as adult you couldn't help but admire Foxy's silly, adventurous, loud, and yet supportive nature, even though you knew it was just in his programming.

Right before Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria would shut down for the night, you would return to clean up any last minute messes and with the kids gone you ended up having conversations with Foxy, but to your surprise Foxy was more thoughtful and yet flirtatious with you than the kids. Though you just thought your manager was messing with the programming with Foxy just to annoy you so you didnt think much of it. Every night Foxy would loudly tell you cheesey and oddly sweet compliments and pick up lines, which you found rather amusing with your favorites being, "Aye lass, do yee be a campfire? For I can't help, but want smore", "Do yee possibly have a map, fer I can't help but get lost in y'r beautiful eyes?", "I wish I could live in y'r socks, so I could be with you ev'y step of the way", and "Las If yee were a vegetable, you'd most definitely be a cutecumber"!

You honestly grew rather close to Foxy, and no matter how hard life was or got he was allways able to brighten up your day. Since the first day you met you both allways talked to eachother every day right before closing hours, that is until an incident occurred. You came more early to clean pirate cove than you normally did, in hope of possibly spending more time with Foxy. Though to your surprise every thing was oddly quiet as you walked towards Pirate Cove, unlike the normal and repeated laughter that usually erupted from there. You were confused by the strange quietness and entered the room to check if everything was okay. To your surprise you saw a person in a full body purple burglar suit holding a gun to a child's head threatening that if you got any closer or called for help thay he would shoot the kid right then and there. The purple suited burglar had a crazed look in his eyes, and you found him looking like he wouldnt just listen to reason and let the kid go.

You still tried to reason with him in desperation to let the kid go, but he wouldn't listen instead just tightening his grip of the gun every second you continued to talk. Your heart was racing and you didn't have time to even react further, too afraid any other wrong action would only make the situation worse. Suddenly Foxy started growling visously and his eyes turned pitch back with only one small red dot showing any evidence of an eye being there. He began to violently start shacking in what seemed like an unending rage at the burglar, which the burglar only laughed at. Circling his eyes the burglar added snarkily, "Oh is the the little fox robot malfunctioning, Im sooooo sacaaaared!"

Before either of you could react Foxy lept at the burglar and swiftly chomped their frontal lobe clean off before they could even harm a hair of the child's head. The burglar's dead and bloodied mangled body slammed against the ground leaving a trail of blood in it's wake. Foxy quickly covered the child's eye and gave then a gentle and yet supportive hug trying to make sure the kid wouldnt see the gruesome sight, but it was already too late. The kid screamed in pure terror and started bawling his eyes out. Foxy eyes flashed with realization, but he gently placed the kid on the floor apologizing quietly to himself, "Im sorry lass, I didn't mean for yee to have to see that... It was the only way I could portect yee, but old Foxy underst'd if your scared of him now and he doesn't blame yee... I'm just glad your safe little one..." The child pelted for through the doorway screaming all the way to her parents.

You stared at Foxy in shock not knowing what to say, to shocked to react properly. The manager and night guard immediately rushed over too you, to see the person with a jaw sizzed hole left out of there brain. You tried your best to explain what happened and how Foxy was trying to portect the kid, but since your manager already didnt trust you he refused to hear a word you said and instead ordered the night guard to take Foxy to the back closet for now until everything could be sorted out. Foxy gave you one last apologetic glance before being dragged out by the current night security guard.

For days on end you tried every way possible to convince your boss that Foxy was trying to save the child, not harm it, but to no avail your manager refused to listen. Once you heard they were taking Foxy to be broken and mended into another animatronic, you finally decided you had enough and started devising a plan to help Foxy escape. Then you could finally see him again and properly thank him for all his sacrifices.

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