Fred (Toy Freddy): How you met

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Y/N's pov:

You have been working day shifts during the day hours in Freddy Fazbear's Family Diner for 5 years now as your side job to help pay of part of your college debt until you could graduate from college and get your real job. You were very responsible and organized from the very start, trying to do your best no matter the task given to you. After years of working you grew to be a very well respected employee and ended up becoming the vice manager of the whole diner. As vice president you were both considerate and rational in everything you did from organising parties when the manager was sick to just separating the paychecks to all the employees.

 You honestly loved your job because you felt it not only gave you wisdom and experience for your next job, but also because you just love having the responsibility of having a job where you could organize things and encourage others. Fred (Toy Freddy) grew to your favorite animatronic over time the more you worked there. While you knew he wasnt real and just acting on what he was built/programed to do, a small part of you couldn't help but admire his gentle kindness and understanding towards the kids around him. You would even end up walking over to and watch him every day at 3 pm while he would read a story and sing songs to all the children in the audience. Even when Fred would see another kid get hurt he would imediatly stop what he was doing and bring the kid a saftey kit and support/nurture the kid until they got better, and only after the kid was 100% okay would he return to telling his story.

 Though a sudden problem arised with the night guards strange disaperances and the cops were beginning to suspect that the Diner was up to something, lowering Freddy Fazbear's Family Diner's reprentation and scaring away a lot of future and even old time customers. Most the employees refused to work late at night to be a night guard so being the vice manager you decided it was your job to insure the company would still run smoothly so you offered to take up the job until everything was settled once again. Your manager even tried to offer you a double raise in your salary, but knowing how much the company was struggling you politely declined the offer, wanting to put your boss and fellow employees first instead of yourself.

 So you began to prepare everything you needed for your temporary new night guard job 2 hours earlier then necessary so you could responsibly and maturly come in on time. You then properly put on your signature night gaurd outfit on, and then placed an emergency safety kit, book, and flashlight in your bag just to be cautoius. Once you finished getting ready you headed out your house door and began to drive to the diner. You care fully drives there the whole way making sure to precicly drive the safety limit to ensure you followed the rules of the road and you kept the roads safe.

 After about an hour you safely made it to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, and walked towards the back door to enter the building like you were instructed. You softly opened the door and entered the building making sure to lock the doors behind you before walking to your night gaurd's station. As you were on your way you ended up passing by the main stage. On the stage Fred, Bon Bon, and Chic were standing on top of the stage, though Chic and Bon Bon seemed a lot more creepier than you remembered, since the last time you saw them. Bon Bon's and Chic's jaws were wide open and hanging loosely for their face, and they seemed to stand there in a creepy lifeless figure while looking straight towards you with ucussing glares. The two's tall structure seemed to top over you as they blanky watched you, walk right past them. This imagine sent an intense shivers down your spine, but you decided it was probably just your eyes playing tricks on you since you were in the dark. Though Fred seemed to give you a gentle and warm welcoming smile while his light blue eyes looked like they had endless kindness within there gaze, and seeing that made you feel a lot more safe. Feeling more at home you decided to continue to walk over to the camera room.

 Once you finally made it to the night guard's post you decided to look around and organise the place a bit before you started your job, since you had an hour to spare from planing to come earlier than necacary to your job just in case. The first thing that caught your attention was the small desk that laid right in front of you that held a small computer on the top left corner, to better record the camera's current surveillance. To the right of the computer stood crumbled up and unorganized paper, an empty used cup, and a little mini fan that didn't even work completey properly, but was still able to at least give the room a bit of cool air making the room feel alot less stuffy. Bellow to the left of the desk stood an old rusted empty trash can, and on bottom of both sides of the walls from the side of the desk was two ventilation openings. Lastly in front of the desk was a glass panel that allowed you to view the hallway right in front of you that bordered the front doors.

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