Chapter 1

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A new school. I had to move, again. After a dreadful four years of high school in New York, I could finally go to college. My high school years, being filled with one online friend and excessive bullying, had caused me to pick the University of Texas as my new school. I had been bullied since I was from the UK and had "a funny accent". This didn't stop me from getting a full ride scholarship. But a new school always means, new bullies and more trouble. I had finished packing and was ordering an Uber to the airport. Time to leave hell behind and hope for heaven.


"Excuse me? I was wondering where the girl dorms were." I tried to speak sweetly, with an accent that would make anyone turn their head. But, I just never had luck picking the right person to ask.

"Go fuck yourself brit!" This boy was wearing a varsity jacket and clearly cared for his looks. He was holding an -- apparently called -- soccer ball at his feet. From behind him a girl with long, brown hair and a fire in her eyes was bounding toward him. The girl wore black leggings with a coral tank top and headphones around her wrist. She at first had her attention on the soccer ball, but quickly switched to him. Her sneakers were pounding with every step toward him, like a stamped. He turned around only to get tackled, knocking me down and all my belongings. I landed on concrete, with a hard thud and the girl next to her with the boy underneath her. I clearly laughed as he landed, hurting his wrist because it was karma that he deserved.

"I will beat you 'til you bleed you British-" He was cut off by a knee hitting his groin. The girl had a pushed his arms behind his back, and had an arm pinning his neck down. She had a fire in her eyes, as he gasped for air.

"Listen you twat. Fucking apologize to the girl, or so help me God this will be your end." She spoke sharp, like almost a hiss, that was just above whisper level. He had a pleading look in his eyes as his face turned blue, and a crowd had formed. I had sat up to get a better view on her hold. Her legs pinned him down by the knees, and her right forearm was bearing into his neck. Her left arm was on her belt reaching for something I couldn't see from this angle.

"I'm so-sorry. Plea-please...stop." The last word barely left his lips before he passed out. She dismounted him like a bike and walked over to where I was sitting, petrified. She extended her hands, crossed at the wrist motioning for me to grab her hands. She smiled sweetly, as if she didn't almost kill a student that was lying behind her.

"You asked for the girl dorms, right?" She questioned, as she led towards a huge brick building. I was not going to be ready for this school year.  

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