Chapter 3

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"Hey. I know your new and shit but, I must leave you behind. Unless you want to join me. I have a soccer game that starts in half an hour. I can't be late again, or the girls are going to get on my case. I promise though, after the game I will answer all questions." Jane stated this as she changed her top. Right there. In front of me, and my dumb flustered face. She pulled the weird, orange jersey over her head and slipped into gym shorts.

"Well? Will you join me?"

"Yea. Yeah, let's do this."

Jane jogged outside, an oversized soccer bag bouncing on her hip as she went. I followed in suit, but more careful on my foot placement, since I didn't want to fall -- again. Jane led them both to the fields that were already filling up with students and parents or other fans. Jane walked them over to the first row of people and scowled at a could to move so she could sit me down.

"This game is, like an hour and a half to two hours. You can leave whenever, and if you don't understand what is happening it's cool. There are snacks over th-" As Jane pointed to the food stand, an angry man yelled at her. He was surrounded by the women's soccer team, who looked just as impatient.

"Come on Luci! You can talk to your girlfriend later." Some snob girl, with a bob cut called.

"Say that again and you won't make it past practice!" She spat as she jogged over to the team. She slipped on her shin guards and cleats then gave one last smile to me. That was a heart melting sight.


Jane threw the ball in past their mid-fielders. There was a fire in her eyes as she chased down the ball. She got side by side with the right mid-fielder, as they battled for the rolling ball. The girl very clearly elbowed then tripped Jane, onto another girl's legs, who kicked in time with her falling body. The referee blew his whistle and held up his hands. The coach started to walk out but Jane shot up. Her nose was bleeding, and her eye was going blue, but she smiled. She turned to the ref, who was about to bench her and the other two girls.

"I will keep playing. I get a free kick and keep the other girls in." She stated with a blazing fire in her eyes. This one looking more anger-filled and pitiful. The other three girls didn't look scared until her team mate shouted to her,

"Lucifer! Aim for the top right!" With that the ball left her feet, slamming into the girl who kicked her face. She was knocked down, but Jane kept going. She ran over the girl, Jane's cleats digging into the girl's skin as she went. Then she body slammed the girl who tripped her and stomped on her. As she was running toward the goal, ball at her feet, she smiled at me with that same evil smile from before. I knew what kind of trouble this girl would be, but I was kind of ready. 

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