6- Smiley Faces

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This is one of those "When you turn 19 you draw a picture on your wrist and it appears on your soulmates wrist" AU's. You're welCOME.

John's POV

"Your room is in building 200, room 213." The nice old lady in the office said, handing me a room key. I thanked her and took the key, running out the doors and onto the campus.

I was finally in the school of my dreams. King's College. By working many jobs and saving a shit ton of money, I had enough to pay off student loans early. I felt like Cinderella with her bullshit "Dreams do come true!"

Instead of heading straight to my dorm, I examined the campus. It was everything I expected it to be. Huge stone buildings loomed above me with hundreds of windows. People bustling about, either going to class or out for fresh air. Hell, there were even small coffee shops and markets here. I walked around, looking inside the buildings and shops with my unbearable curiosity.  Finally, after what seemed like minutes but was actually 2 hours, I decided to go find my dorm. I walked past building 100 and found building 200 behind it.

Except, my dorm was room 213. My ass had to search and scan the whole damn building for room 213. I walked up countless flights of stairs, feelings as if I have a fucking six pack through every flight. I walked through many halls, one where a weirdo ran around in a speedo. I was regretting asking for a secluded dorm, but at least I was away from people other than my dorm mate.

I started wondering who my roomie would be. Is he cute? Does he like turtles??? I let my mind wonder until finally, I found room 213.

"Fuckin finally!" I whispered to myself. Instead of just barging into the room I knocked, hearing the shuffle of papers and a small 'just a minute' from the other side of the door. After a few seconds, the door unlocked and opened to reveal a, might I say hella fine looking mans. He had chestnut colored hair that was put up into a neat ponytail, hazel eyes that were close to sparkling, and a small smile plastered onto his face.

"Can I help you?" He asked, leaning up against the doorframe with a cheeky smirk on his face.

'Oooh my god I'm so fucking gay' I thought to myself.

"See something ya like?" He chuckled and shook his head, raising an eyebrow at me with an intensifying smile.

At that moment I realized I was fucking staring at him. I regained my composure and grinned, shrugging my shoulders.

"You could say that." I chuckled and raised my hand for him to shake.

"John Laurens. It appears to be that we are dorm mates now." I stated as I pulled up my suitcase from behind me. He took my hand and shook it firmly, motioning for me to come inside.

"Alexander Hamilton at your service." He dramatically bowed and we both burst into a fit of giggles. The room was exceptionally neat, with two beds perfectly made with two desks next to them. Alexander's desk was littered with papers and empty coffee cups.

"I'm glad I finally have a room mate, it was boring in here."

"Aww, were you lonely?" I teased as I unpacked my bags. He laughed and sat in his desk chair, faking a pout.

"Very, I was about to cry before you walked in and brightened my day." He faked a couple of sniffles.

'Oh god he's hot and humorous' I thought as I plopped onto my bed, taking out ny phone and scrolling through Instagram.

I noticed pictures of people together with their newly found soulmates, and pictures of proud people with their drawings on their wrist. I sighed and turned my phone off, putting it on the charger.

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