chapter two

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Wow , It's nice to be in school and finally have an apartment to myself ,

She started arranging her stuffs , the groceries , cutleries went to the kitchen , the dresses , the shoes found their way to the bedroom

Few minutes later , she started feeling the urge to please herself , one thing Hannah didn't know about her daughter was that she had been dealing with Masturbation for almost 8 years , after playing with herself , she fell asleep .

Knock , knock , knock

Hannah was woken up by the sound of heavy banging on her door

Who could that be ? , She wondered , she struggled to get up from the bed ,

The moment she opened the door , she saw a young dark skinned girl with very long hair and glasses with thick lens
Hey , I'm Abiba , I live next door , I'm your neighbour , can I come in ?

Without waiting for a reply , Abiba found her way in leaving Abigail looking like a fool at the door

Wow , your apartment looks nice , are you a first year student ?
Well I'm a first year student in the department of Mathematics

When she realised Abigail didn't answer her , she looked downcast
It seems you don't want me here , I'll leave and come back , you know but I brought cake for house warming

Oooh no , I want you here , Abigail interrupted , it's just that I've never had someone visit me ever even while I was at home with my mum , we don't really entertain visitors

Oh , I'm so sorry , so are you first year ?

Yes , I am , I am aspiring to be a political scientist , .......

Wow , that's so cool , Abibat interrupted , it's nice seeing someone who looks gentle to wanna go into the line if political science but it's cool

So can we be friends ? Like really close friends , you know we can get to know more of each other later

Oh sure , no problem Abigail replied her .

I'll like to leave now , I want to go attend to somethings , see you later

Bye , Abigail said as she followed her to the door

Wow , that was weird , never seen anyone like her ,
Abigail thought in her mind

Will update the third chapter soon enough

The Girl Behind The MaskOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz