The Beginning

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This story is about a teenaged girl named McKenna Rose Ashlend.  She has a abusive and distrubing father (if you know what I mean *wink* *wink*)  She is 18 years old and her best friend is Daniel Seavey.  Daniel and McKenna are the same age (18).  Let's start the story!!!

Here is how McKenna Rose look's like : 

Mom - "McKenna Rose, honey get up and get ready for school!!!"

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Mom - "McKenna Rose, honey get up and get ready for school!!!"

McKenna Rose - "Ok."

McKenna Rose gets out of bed and gets dressed (the picture above is how she looks and how she is dressed for school.) Does makeup and eats breakfast.

McKenna Rose - "Bye Mom, I'm going to school!!"

Mom - "Ok bye sweety!! Have a good first day of school!!"

McKenna Rose - "I have a  good day Mom!!"


McKenna's POV (below)


I was walking to school when  I saw Daniel.  I ran up to him to scare him.

End Of POV

Daniel - "AHH!! OMG YOU SCARED ME!!! Also hi, I missed you!!!"

McKenna Rose - "I missed you too."

They hugged

Daniel - "I really don't want to go to school but I have to."

McKenna Rose - "I know me too but we have too. I hope we have the same classes too together."

Daniel - "Me too.  I have my fingers crossed."

McKenna Rose and Daniel enter the school and entered the office.

Office Lady - "Are you guys here for your schedules?"

McKenna Rose - "Yes we are."

Office Lady - "Ok what are you names?  First and Last, but if you have a middle name, include it.

McKenna Rose - "McKenna Rose Ashlend."

Daniel - "Daniel James Seavey."

Office Lady - "Ok, here your schedules."

She hands the schedules over to McKenna Rose and Daniel.  They had all the same classes together.

McKenna Rose and Daniel Seavey - "Thank You."

Office Lady - "Oh, Your Welcome."

McKennna Rose and Daniel walk out of the office.

They go to History class (Social Studies) The teachers name is Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson - "Ok class, take your seats."

Mr. Anderson - "Now I am going to take attendence, so be silent."

Mr Anderson - "I'm going to go in order so the first student is.."

1st - Anna Lee Ribson (Here!)

2nd - Aaron Adams (Here!)

3rd - Crystal Johnson (Here!)

4th - McKenna Rose Ashlend (Here!)

5th - Daniel Seavey (Here!)

6th - Aria May Ecklund (Here!)

(And so fourth... there were so many students.)

Mr. Anderson - "So today we will be learning about the Neolithic Stone Age....."


McKenna Rose's POV (below)


I just started to think about how boring this class just got.  Thank god that the lunch bell rang right after he was talking.  So me and Daniel just started to talk and eat our lunch.  

End of POV


Here is the conversation (below)

Daniel - "So, McKenna Rose, how do you like school so far?"

McKenna Rose - "It was okay I guess."

Daniel - "Do you like someone in the class?"

McKenna Rose - "NOOO!!! I DO NOT!!"

Daniel - "Just asking. My gosh."

McKenna Rose - "Whatever, can we hangout after school?"

Daniel - "Yeah. Sure."


McKenna Rose and Daniel had several periods (classes) after lunch. But lets skip to after school.

Daniel - "Do you want to take a stroll around the forest."

McKenna Rose - "Yeah, I could use some fresh air."

McKenna Rose and Daniel laughed.

Daniel and McKenna Rose headed toward the car to head to the forest.

Daniel - "What type of music are you into before we start driving?"

McKenna Rose - "Well, I don't really know what type this is but I love Petit Biscuit.  He is an amazing DJ."

Daniel said ok so he handed you his phone and you typied 'Petit Bicuit' into the searchbar and this is the song I chose (A/N - I really like this song.)

'Sunset Lover' by Petit Biscuit ^^^^

Daniel - "How does this song make you feel?"

McKenna Rose - "The song makes me"

Daniel - "In a good way?"

McKenna Rose - "Yes, of course."

Daniel - "WERE HERE!!"


McKenna Rose's POV (below)


We were at the forest when I  realized that I had a feeling.  But I wasn't sure what that feeling was.  I don't think it was a bad one thought.  I felt like I had feelings for my best friend Daniel. The one and only Daniel James Seavey.  I got it off my mind but in order to do that I had to talk to Daniel.

End of POV


McKenna Rose - "So, instead of us not talking and being akward, I wanted to ask you something very important and be honest with me.

Daniel - "Ok, what is it McKenna Rose?"

Meant To Be ~ Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now