More Than Just Friends?? And Drama

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McKenna Rose's POV (below)


Today was the day that Daniel was taking me to a carnival.  I was excited but nervous. I don't know why.  I don't want it to be a bad feeling though.  Things could get worse with my dad because he was out drinking again and didn't see me until 4 in the morning.  But if I tell my dad,  *sigh* I could be dead.  I just hope if I get caught, I'll be the one dead instead of Daniel.  Daniel does know that my father does this to me. Ever since my mom died in a car accident.  He started to act different ever since that day.

End Of POV


Text Conversation :

Dani Boy - Hey, i'm outside.

McKenna  🌹- Ok.

Dani Boy - Wait McKenna Rose, don't get caught.

McKenna 🌹- It's fine, my dad is out drinking again.

Dani Boy - Ok.


Here is how Daniel's Car looked like : 

(A/N - I don't really know if he has a car but I know he drives

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(A/N - I don't really know if he has a car but I know he drives. I chose a similar image from the 'Trust Fund Baby' video that was posted a few days ago or a week ago.)

McKenna Rose got in the car.

Daniel - "You look beautiful McKenna Rose."

McKenna Rose - *blushed* "Thank You."

Daniel - "Ok, let's head to the carnival."

They got to the carnival and this is how it looked like : 

They got to the carnival and this is how it looked like : 

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McKenna Rose - "OMG, it's so beautiful!!"

Daniel - "Ik, now lets go on some rides."

McKenna Rose and Daniel went on a few rides.

Daniel - "McKenna Rose, let's go on the Ferris Wheel."

McKenna Rose - "Yeah."

McKenna Rose and Daniel entered the Ferris Wheel.

Daniel - "So, now that were alone, I wanted to ask you something."

McKenna Rose - "Ok, what is it."

Daniel - "McKenna Rose Ashlend, there are so many words to describe how luckly I am by having you as a bestfriend.  But....I...wanted to be more then just bestfriends."

McKenna Rose - .....

Daniel - "I know this sounds crazy and stupid but we have known each other since we were 3 and I think I have caught feelings for you McKenna Rose.  You make me happy all the time.  I just wanted to ask you....would you be my girlfriend?"

McKenna Rose - ".....Since the first time we met till now... I have realized what love meant.  It meant to be happy with the one you love.  And that feeling...I could feel it.  Right. Now.   Daniel, you make me happy....all the time.   And I know this sounds crazy but I have always loved you.  Yes, I want to be your girlfriend."

McKenna Rose just had her first kiss.  It was a kiss that would only last once in a lifetime.  Once in a lifetime.

McKenna Rose - "Woah. I never had my first kiss."

Daniel - "Well, do you think I could be your first?"

McKenna Rose - "Yes, of course."

McKenna Rose's head was resting on Daniel's shoulder. They got off the Ferris Wheel.

Daniel - "Well McKenna Rose, I think its's time for you to go home.  It's getting late."

McKenna Rose - "Yeah, I just hope I don't get caught."

Daniel - "Ok, were here."

McKenna Rose - "Before I get out of this car, I just wanted to say thank you for tonight. 

Daniel - "Your Welcome McKenna Rose."

McKenna Rose smiled

(A/N - McKenna Rose's dad's name is Mr. Ashlend.)


McKenna Rose - "I was with Daniel."

Daniel and McKenna Rose looked frightened.

Mr. Ashlend - "McKenna Rose come here right now."

McKenna Rose could tell what was going to happen. She looked at Daniel and whispered, "I love you Daniel."

Mr. Ashlend slapped McKenna Rose across the face. McKenna Rose gasped and whimpered.

Mr.Ashlend - "You know that you are not allowed to talk to boys.  Are you still my little girl?"

McKenna Rose - *crying* "Yes daddy."

Mr. Ashlend - "Now Mr.Seavey go, and never speak to McKenna Rose ever again."

McKenna Rose looked at Daniel with saddness in her eyes.  She still wanted to see him.  Forever.

Meant To Be ~ Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now