Chapter 11

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When the night was almost about to be over. They walked together though the long bridge, talking to each other. It was a very unusal day for Selena, mostly she thought the guys suggested to go out for dinner, or a movie. The fact that he wouldn't drag her away from here to take her some place 'Nice' really surprised her. She was very smitten by him.

''So I guess, I should be getting home, '' she said. ''It's getting kind of late and I don't want my aunt to get worried, she has been enough worried these past few days.''

'' Yeah no worries, I should be getting back too.'' He smiled at her.

She really liked his smile, something about the way he would smile and look at her at the same time, really effected her. It made her blush, and that had never happened to her before. Suddenly she felt him get closer, and before she knew his lips crashed against hers. When he pulled away, it got a bit awkward, but they kissed again and somehow it wasn't awkward anymore

Selena stared at the papers she had in her hands the next day at the bakery. She was running some erinds with the papers as she sat at the desk in the bakery. She then heard the door open and looked up to see a girl coming in.

''Hi may I help you?'' she asked gently, smiling at her.

''I hope you can,'' the girl answered awkwardly, capturing Selena's attention. 

''Well what is it? '' Selena asked.

'' I really need a job, so I was wondering if you were hiring some people?'' she asked, it must have looked like to her that Selena was going to deny her. It looked like a serious face, and like she was going to tell her 'no I'm sorry, wer'e not it's just we have enough people right now' that's when Selena's serious expression turned into a smile.

''Yes we are, uhm just give me your references. Do you have experience with bakery? Can you bake?'' she asked.

'' Yes, I actually do.'' The girl smiled. ''My mom used to own a bakery when I was younger. So I have a lot of experience, she taught me how to bake and stuff,'' she told her, probably trying to make sure she wouldn't say anything stupid or something that would freak her out.

''Well, that's great how about you start tomorrow?'' she smiled at her, asking gently.

''Tomorrow?'' the girl said surprised. ''Tomorrow would be perfect for me.'' She smiled happily, thankful that she got the job.

''I'll see you then,'' she said and was about to leave the bakery. ''Wait what's your name, I forgot to ask? '' Selena asked, stopping her.

'' Elena, Elena Gilbert. What's yours?''

'' Selena ''

'' Cool our names are almost the same '' They smiled at each other and Elena left.

After Elena had left, Logan walked inside. ''Who was that girl who walked outside?'' he asked Selena.

''Oh that's Elena, I just gave her a job here,'' she told him, he looked surprised. ''She really needed it, I could see it in her eyes,'' she told him. He smiled and walked towards her, leaning towards her. He kissed her on the lips, and she kissed him back.

''You look pretty today,'' he told her, deepening the kiss. ''Really pretty.'' They both pulled away.

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