Chapter 19

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''What the hell?'' Logan snapped at Selena who could barely look at him.

Selena shrugged. ''I'm sorry but it's true,'' she said hoping he would leave her soon.

''You don't mean that!''

''I do.'' She forced a smile. 

''You wouldn't, I mean you and me..''

''It was just a fling, I mean face it and me can never happen. You would grow old and I would continue being the young vampire. I can have forever with Damon, not with you. I'm sorry.''

He looked deeply hurt, and to her it looked like he was about to cry. He tried to ignore the tears that were almost streaming down his face. ''Who are you and why would you do this to me?'' he yelled almost crying and went through the window. He ran down the fire escape and Selena closed the window. She collapsed onto her bed and bursted into tears. Finally their drama was over and hopefully he would leave her alone.

Logan's POV

I give up, I've tried everything. I love her but she clearly doesn't love me, why can't she love me? I've seen Damon and he doesn't seem like the guy for Selena, I'm the guy for her. She just doesn't want to accept that and chooses him. I give up.

Logan walked home in agony as he didn't notice that Damon was watching him as he came out of Selena's window and stared after him as he walked home.

Lucy watched as Aunt Cindy (her mom) began planning the wedding for Selena though it wouldn't happen just yet. She was calling everyone and gossiped about everything. She just wanted the best for Selena but could never understand what Selena really wanted but Lucy understood. She would always understand. There was a knock on the door and Lucy rushed to the door. She opened it finding a dark haired boy she had never met before. ''Hi, can I help you?''

''Your Lucy right?'' he asked.

''Yes,'' she stated.

''I'm Joe, Selena's friend. I work with her at the bakery.'' Lucy nodded as she realized. ''Yes, Joe Selena's told me about you. She's rather occupied right now.''

''Oh, I don't think she wants to see me, and I didn't come here to see her I came  to see you.''


''May I come in?'' Lucy turned her head knowing that wasn't such a good idea considering she was in a family of vampires.  

'''s better we talk outside,'' she said and rushed with him out the door, closing it behind her. ''What is it that you want?'' she asked, nervous about her mom noticing it or Damon accidentally walking by.

''Look, I know that Selena doesn't love Damon and if you could just talk her out of it..''

''I can't do that, and believe me, I've tried. She just doesn't want to listen and I know she doesn't love him but I'm sorry to say she doesn't have a choice.''

''How so?'' he asked curious. Lucy knew that she couldn't tell him the truth. Simply because she was a vampire and so was Damon.

''Because ... it's always been planned for her and I guess if she doesn't marry him she looses her family and she chose the family..''

He nodded, seeming to be convinced. ''Alright, of course..'' Lucy turned around trying to stalk from him but he grabbed her arm before she could. ''You have to put some sense into her, okay!?''

''Stop it, your hurting me!''

''Not until you promise me..'' She tried to escape from his tight grip.

''Who do you think are?'' she raised her voice at him.  He suddenly noticed how physical he was getting.

''I'm sorry..I'm just worried about her, she's like a sister to me.''

''I understand.  But Joe, you have to step away from her and her family, our family. It's for your own good,'' she said and stormed off before he could say anything. What could she mean by that? He thought to himself.

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